I’m definitely in the “for almost everything” camp. It’s less ambiguous especially when you consider the DD/MM vs MM/DD nonsense between US dates vs elsewhere. Pretty much the only time I don’t use ISO-8601 is when I’m using non-numeric month names like when saying a date out loud.
And you can do a simple sort on the combined number and youve sorted by date.
Yeah, it’s pretty much everything for me too. The biggest exception being when UI is involved and a longhand date format would be more friendly.
Friendly to who?
In Canada we use MM/DD and DD/MM so you never quite know which it is! There’s an expense spreadsheet I fill out for work that uses one format in one place and the other format in another…
Holy cats, that sounds like a nightmare.
ISO 8601 gang. You’d never want to describe dates that way but for file management the convenience is massive.
I do. Anything I have to put a datecode on, always gets a stamp of YYYYMMDD.
That’s not ISO8601
If you’re using a *NIX command line, something like
mkdir $(date +%F)_photos
is super handy.
ISO 8601 is always the correct way to format dates.
Nah, for everything.
Upvoted because I appreciate the exposure for this dating method, but I personally use it for everything. Much clearer for a lot of reasons IMO. Biggest to smallest pretty much always makes the most sense.
I do too, even in notes at work or handwritten stuff at home. I don’t always need to be reminded of the year first, but sometimes it becomes important on older stuff.
Plus when you’re in the US and work with people from Europe, the unambiguous ordering of month and day is a nice safeguard against silly misunderstandings.
ISO 8601 is amazing for data storage and standardizing the date.
Display purposes sure, whatever you feel like
But goddammit if you don’t use ISO 8601 to store dates, I will find you, and I will standardize your code.
epoch not acceptable then?
I will agree it’s a valid storage but it has to be specified in ms
I actually need to standardize my code. I’ve got “learning F2” as something I want to do soon. The goal: use the exif data of my pictures to create
[date in ISO 8601] - [original filename].[original file type termination]
So a picture taken the third of march 2022 titled “asdf.jpg” would become “2022-3-3 - asdf.jpg”
Help? lol
I did this in the past and I would search through my notes… If I had notes ffs.
Can you give more context, what are you using? Language / system / etc?
I’m using NixOS. Ext4 filesystem. As to language, I’m not entirely sure what you mean. If you refer to the character set in the filenames, I think there are no characters that deviate from the English alphabet, numbers, dashes, and underscores.
Oh ok so you’re more so working with folder structure etc, so bash for when you plug-in a card?
I’m thinking in more programmatic terms, there’s definitely some bash scripting you can execute. Or just go balls out and write a service that executes on systemctl
YYYY-MM-DD for everything. My PC clock, my phone and even my handwritten notes all use that format.
The only other acceptable format is military notation: DD MMM YYYY.
Excuse me?! ISO 8601 >> *
I like yyyy-mm-dd and dd/mm/yyyy
YYMMDD is how a start my file names. It’ll work great for another 75 years or so.
Found the guy who was born after the year 2000
Way off
I’m a systems guy. ISO8601 or die. Whomever decided to put the most significant digits at the end of MMDDYYYY can get fired. From a cannon. Into the sun.
No love for DD-YYYY-MM?
Wait are you serious?
Lot of talk of numerics only. The problem there is knowing what format the information is in since clearly there are 3 possibilities. Without context and during certain parts of the month you’re hosed. Best to remove ambiguity and go with the alpha numeric format.
DD MMM YY (or alternatively YYYY)
11 Aug 2023
Ambiguity gone.
23 Aug 23. Ya, no ambiguity. /s
2023-08-23 is the way.
Any date format can be unambiguous as long as it’s the one that everyone agrees on, and all date formats will be ambiguous as long as we have several in use.
I kinda gave up, nowadays when i write a date to someone i specify the date format. Like i will send “01/05/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)” because it’s the only way to be sure