I’m just gonna get you a tape recorder.
Crowdstrike is providing free red team activity and backup testing for all their customers! What service!
There’s got to be a better way of saying that. I love Tobias, and Michael, and Arrested Development
Alright, which one of you 🙈 the PR last night
Nice, done for today.
High fives all around! Push to production, and then let’s all go hit that bar that has such terrible cell reception.
Ha, my company dodged the bullet. We’re so incompetent we didn’t ever set up LDAP and SSO in a manner correct enough to be hit by this.
I’m curious. Wouldn’t a process to test this update before pushing it out everywhere have been enough too?
Like, isn’t this showing that there are a jillion companies with no testing of certain updates?
Like, even virus definition updates should be going through testing before being pushed out.
Crowstrike offers staging like this.
The update ignored the stagings set up by the customers.