Helmic [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2020


  • Neovim can can certainly be an IDE, but its complexity comes from having a lot of features to rapidly edit text. d5d deletes 5 lines, vwwy selects two words and yanks them, gg returns to the beginning of the file, etc. It’ll maybe do some code highlighting out of the box but its featureset is about never needing to touch a mouse or leave home row.

    It’s about like notepad++ on Windows in that it’s very good for quick edits of a file or otherwise manipulating plaintext but it isn’t good out of the box for actual writing meant to be read by other human beings.

  • If it’s wedding ring, the marketing has been about how the purity of the diamond is symbolic of the purity of one’s love. So picking an uglier, but purer, diamond then coild be about prioritizing love over beauty or whatever in that person’s head.

    So not necessarily exclusive to people wanting to present themselves as wealthy, that sort of emotional manipulation convinces broke people to blow their savings on a ring all the time.