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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 23rd, 2024

  • I think I’m correctly interpreting the effective meaning of the comic. The effective meaning takes precedent over the intended meaning. Now that you know my view, do you think everyone’s response to my take is justified? It’s pretty demoralizing how readily everyone assumes the least charitable interpretation of my words when there is any level of ambiguity. Nobody ever asks me to clarify. It’s just a fucking dogpile right out the gate because this whole charade of “discourse” is a dopamine-seeking frenzy dressed up as intellectualism.

  • My point is that I find it disgusting how society doesn’t seem to give a shit about homeless men but they do care about homeless women and children. Homeless women and children seem to be the main focus for most people seeing as there are so many more resources only available to homeless women and children than there are to homeless men despite the fact that the VAST majority are adult men. Society has a sickening lack of sympathy for homeless men, to the point where you can’t get some people to care about the homelessness crisis in the slightest until you inform them that some homeless people are women and children. This comic is a demonstration of that phenomenon. The comic essentially says “actually, you should care about homelessness because they aren’t all just men”

  • Honestly, it’s not gonna be 10 more years of misery for me cause I’m not gonna stick around for it. I’ve been deeply depressed for about 20 years and I’m probably gonna call it long before that if you know what I mean.

    I also feel scarred by my ex’s actions. How can someone watch you build your life around them, make every decision with them in mind for nearly a decade, and then impulsively discard you the second they want attention from someone new? Just to add insult to injury, she manipulated me to keep me providing for her for months under the guise that she was trying to repair the relationship when she was really just trying to work out a seamless escape route. The constant stress fucked my mind to the point that I lost my job 2 weeks after she left. Still unemployed and too depressed to even begin looking for another one.

    Just makes me realize that there’s nothing anyone can do to secure their future. There’s a lot we do to give us a feeling that our future is safe, but it never is. That’s not even really my main problem… I genuinely don’t think it’s possible for me to be happy. I don’t think my soulmate is out there.