I like this one
This is the most German road sign
“Watch-out for airplanes” is a good sign to have on the standard.
I know this one ! It’s the big german car goes vrooooooooom sign !
Isn’t that just allowing to quickly park again after it being previously forbidden? I think the sign is the same around here, totally not german.
No phone use in bed.
Might not help with the getting into bed part, but it’s cognitive behavioral therapy to associate bed with sleep.
Ehh…that doesn’t necessarily pan out either. If I have no stimulation at all, my mind can swirl to 10001 different thoughts. What often works for me, personally, is to put on a YouTube video on my phone to help fall asleep. The trick is you want to find a long, relatively boring and not engaging one to sort of lull you to sleep. Make the mistake of putting on something too interesting and you’re fucked.
That’s me, anyway. I don’t always need thought distractions to sleep but often I do.
I put on MKBHD
Me who is literally bedridden and hasn’t had the physical capacity to leave my bed in two years:
Guess I’ll just throw my phone away then…
Me, going to bed 2 hours earlier than normal last night: Feel no more rested or refreshed than usual
jokes on you it’s fucking 8 am
I relate. It’s how I’ve found out these are not military speed limits. I was a bit concerned about seeing tanks “only” being allowed 150kph.