WHY IS THERE CODE??? MAKE A FUCKING .EXE FILE AND GIVE IT TO ME. these dumbfucks think that everyone is a developer and understands code. well i am not and i don’t understand it. I only know to download and install applications. SO WHY THE FUCK IS THERE CODE? make an EXE file and give it to me. STUPID FUCKING SMELLY NERDS"
Just got back from talking with our team. The senior coder in charge of emojis in usernames is currently upgrading the windmills in the uk, having been able to enhance efficiency by 0.001%. Wow! Thats 14 Mega tons of CO2 removed from the atmosphere every year!
Will take the weekend to get commercial Fusion energy rolled out and right after that will address your issue. Which i’m sure many other users will be thankful you brought to our attention. And luckily had the right man for the job on staff. He’s amazing, capable, enthusiastic, and eager to help.
I’d argue the end-users are animals. Primitive at that
as an end user I unironically agree with the general sentiment if not necessarily the method of communicating it.
Plenty of projects have exe files available on the release page though, it’s just hard to find unless you’re familiar with github.
I’m not a complete idiot. that’s easy to find. what I’m talking about is ones that require self hosting or dockers pants or whatever it’s called.
I’m used to github, so i shouldn’t speak on whether it’s easy or not. But i just think the copypasta is funny lol
Hmmm … Thought it was agreed to not to say the quiet part out loud eh?
No one likes being insulted ESPECIALLY when it’s true.
This is why we praise them and spin every statement in a positive light.
“I admire your creativity, but no we do not currently allow emojis in usernames”
“I admire your creativity. Will talk with our team, get their feedback, and timeline. See when can add support for emojis in usernames”
Just got back from talking with our team. The senior coder in charge of emojis in usernames is currently upgrading the windmills in the uk, having been able to enhance efficiency by 0.001%. Wow! Thats 14 Mega tons of CO2 removed from the atmosphere every year!
Will take the weekend to get commercial Fusion energy rolled out and right after that will address your issue. Which i’m sure many other users will be thankful you brought to our attention. And luckily had the right man for the job on staff. He’s amazing, capable, enthusiastic, and eager to help.