I’m confused as to what PHP has to do with JavaScript front-end frameworks.
PHP deserves honorable mention here as the “it’s not stupid if it works” of the JavaScript framework world. Everything* JavaScript frameworks can accomplish can also be done (much worse) with static HTML delivered by PHP.
*Please no one give me examples that cannot be done without JavaScript. Trust me, I know. But any business requirement can be met with plain HTML if you really deeply hate your end users enough.
I’m confused as to what PHP has to do with JavaScript front-end frameworks.
Was it just for a quick laugh and a jab at PHP because it’s an easy target or have I misunderstood that these all use JavaScript
PHP deserves honorable mention here as the “it’s not stupid if it works” of the JavaScript framework world. Everything* JavaScript frameworks can accomplish can also be done (much worse) with static HTML delivered by PHP.
*Please no one give me examples that cannot be done without JavaScript. Trust me, I know. But any business requirement can be met with plain HTML if you really deeply hate your end users enough.
PHP (and jQuery)