• Lightor@lemmy.world
    23 days ago

    Cool, deflecting again. I don’t care about the difference, it means nothing. It’s something you’re bringing up to deflect from the core point: you said people need to protest for extended periods, till it hurts. Have you done that, or are you being an absolute hypocrite, it’s any easy question but you keep dodging it for some reason. I wonder why…

    I mean you could be organizing the next protest instead of messing around on Lemmy. But here you are, preaching and virtue signalling while refusing to answer if you’ve done what you’re asking of others.

    Edit: and it looks like he never answered. Another person demanding things from others that will cause suffering, but you’re unwilling to do it yourself. But you’ll mock what they do as not good enough. Crazy…

    • stickly@lemmy.world
      23 days ago

      I’d just like to step in here and remind the people at home that appeals to hypocrisy are a logical fallacy. Just because someone isn’t doing what they say should be done doesn’t mean they’re wrong.

      Thanks, I’ll hang up and listen.

      Edit: Forgot to add one thing. This conversation is about collective action, a particularly silly place to judge the actions of a single individual

      • Lightor@lemmy.world
        23 days ago

        No, it doesn’t mean they’re wrong, but asking someone to suffer for your benefit while you refuse to suffer is self centered and shows a lack of conviction. If you take it a step further and start demanding it, like some are, you start to look like what you’re fighting against.

        “Everyone needs to protest, it won’t stop until they feel it! Not me, I mean I’m not going to do that, but people need to. Even if it hurts them and theirs! I’ll be waiting.”

        Thanks for listening I guess.

        Edit for your edit: it is about collective action. Action he is demanding that can cause great suffering to those who perform it, so that he can benefit from that action. Action, that while demanding it, he refuses to take part in. This is about people demanding others to suffer for their benefit.