• Lightor@lemmy.world
    23 days ago

    Yeah and? You’re asking someone to make the choice to not provide for their family. One person starving doesn’t make others starving any less meaningful. Seriously? This would create more homeless people. So if a new law was passed that made you homeless or wouldn’t matter, I mean there were homeless people already. Or if a whole town gets destroyed by a natural disaster, who cares, there were already people with nothing. The lack of empathy or just human decency is insane here.

    I’m not using them as a shield. That’s your problem, you’re not willing to try to understand the point, you see it as a fight you have to win. I’m explaining a situation and why I’m certain situations people are going to be human and try to do what it takes to eat and take care of their children. Asking them to not do that is a very large, and some might say heartless ask. Are you willing to risking being homeless or unable to eat to protest? If not, you’re asking someone to suffer immensely while you sit back comfortably.

    A lot of people ITT seem to have no problem demanding that people put their livelihoods on the line and risk everything they have, but I don’t see one person demanding that actually doing anything close to that themselves.