I don’t even remember where I learned it, I think it’s some meditation thing? I’ll specifically think, “I wonder what my next thought will be.” And then try to 1.) keep it quiet as long as possible and/or 2.) if I fail, just try to pay attention to what the thoughts were. Simple enough idea that it stuck with me, you can try it at your desk, and it’s kind of a fun little challenge. But also kind of impossible.
I think this is what’s referred to as “mindfulness”.
This is great! There seem to be quite some tricks out there, one I learned is to focus on the temperature of your breath and where exactly you feel it while breathing. In the beginning it’s just little moments of thoughtlessness, but you can make them last longer with practice.
There’s also this reply I read on /x/ like ten years ago that has stuck with me, to the question someone asked, “how to meditate” – “Notice the space between 2 thoughts? Enter it.”
I love this picture…it always calms me down and make me present. Thanks for the post!
Empty brain gang rise up!
I literally thought about this comic the other day. Always a good one and a nice occurrence when it happens, however rare it is.
That’s basically what zen meditation is about
Certain Soto Zen methods for sure. Chan Zen criticizes the idea that trying to cut off the senses helps people to enlightenment.
Oh, I forgot about this difference. Chan has these thought provoking “riddles without answer” like “what’s the sound of one clapping hand”, right?
Haha sorta yeah. They’re called Koans and imo are more similar to a Zen master hitting you in the head and shouting at you. They are a bit of a spicy subject, many Chan Zen Masters feel folks spend too much time with them.
God I wish I could quiet my brain for just a minute. I always have thoughts going in and out like crazy. It’s hard to keep shit straight. I go back through the various notes I wrote for myself every day to try to organize the random shit I think about and most of it is absolute nonsense.
I’d love to have this as a patch and stitch it to my paragliding gear.
Jonathan Livingston I presume
Why i love eating about a half g of mushrooms
Being a man entering the no thinking zone be like:
riding a motorcycle through the open roads be like