Sorry for my aggressive response, I thought you were trolling but it seems you may have been serious.
In that case, yes you’re wrong. Hamas’ goal is liberation of their people, not maximizing casualties. Israel’s goal is establishing and maintaining a Jewish state, so maximizing casualties (belonging to the wrong religion or ethnicity) is their goal.
If according to Hamas, martyrs go to heaven and infidels go to hell, Hamas should seek to maximize civilian casualties, right?
I recommend you minimize the idiocy in this comment section by going offline.
Am I wrong? Every move they make seems to maximize civilian casualties on both sides. What has Hamas done to minimize civilian casualties?
Sorry for my aggressive response, I thought you were trolling but it seems you may have been serious.
In that case, yes you’re wrong. Hamas’ goal is liberation of their people, not maximizing casualties. Israel’s goal is establishing and maintaining a Jewish state, so maximizing casualties (belonging to the wrong religion or ethnicity) is their goal.
Dude. Hamas is a terror organization, not a resistance force.
What definition are you using of “terrorist organization” that doesn’t apply to Israel?
Oh, I guess it is “something designated as terrorist organization by the west”.
Israel is a legitimate state. Hamas has no interest in governance and exists solely to (in its own words) “obliterate” Israel.
Israel is an apartheid state. Hamas is a resistance against it.
Also nice avoiding the question. I never expected an answer from you anyways.
Hamas’ goal is to kill all jews. At least, that’s what they’re publicly saying. I’m not sure where you’re getting your information from.
That is not what they’re publicly saying. Easily verified on their website.
Hamas’ self-proclaimed goal is to wipe out the jews. Stop supporting actual terrorists if you want people to take you seriously.
You didn’t answer the question. What is Hamas doing to minimize civilian casualties?
Fighting Israel and its murder machine, which is the main entity causing civilian casualties.
Don’t try to come with facts and logic. They here seemed to swallowed the pallywood pill