• TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
    7 months ago

    patriarchy also oppresses most men who arent super rich white men


    On a side note, if we were to frame the inherent biases of feminist movement today vaguely as “matriarchy”, does it also not work against all men blindly? With “patriarchy” you have elites and white Anglo men benefitting exclusively. No matter what, non white men that are not 1% elite keep suffering and bearing the burden of societal struggles and selfish elite factions. What are we supposed to do, when feminists openly say men and their struggles are not their responsibility? Would non white men not want to protect themselves?

    Liberal feminism and cultural feminism make for shitty reactionary feminism that still enforces rape culture.

    YES! Finally I hear something good. Radical and reactionary elements backpedal us from societal progress towards equality. Biases in academia need to stop, so that we can quantify society objectively instead of trying to force ourselves towards a particular end result.

    • OurToothbrush@lemmy.ml
      7 months ago

      You might like “The Will to Change” by feminist bell hooks which goes into the devaluing of men amongst other things.