On android when you go to the wifi settings you’re currently connected to there should be a setting for randomizing mac address per connection or per network. If you change it to per connection, once you disconnect and reconnect your mac address should change. On per network, it will randomly generate the mac address for the first connection and keep that address for that wifi forever.
Let’s pretend someone didn’t know how to do that on an android. How would you explain it to them?
On android when you go to the wifi settings you’re currently connected to there should be a setting for randomizing mac address per connection or per network. If you change it to per connection, once you disconnect and reconnect your mac address should change. On per network, it will randomly generate the mac address for the first connection and keep that address for that wifi forever.
Excellent explanation, thank you. Never knew what that difference was.
Just google it you dumb piece of shit - Stack overflow user
Marked as duplicate
Thanks, I figured it out and got free food as a bonus!!!
Doesn’t share solution