“Welcome to Applebee’s! Would you like apples or bees?”
“HE PICKED THE BEES!” chefs angrily shake jars of bees
“Welcome to Applebee’s! Would you like apples or bees?”
“HE PICKED THE BEES!” chefs angrily shake jars of bees
He says what everyone’s thinking!
If I remember correctly, the ELI5 is it’s impossible to measure something without interacting with it in some way. The calculations and science determine it will turn out like the top image. The moment we try to measure it though, we have to interact with it. This changes the calculations and whatnot, thus producing a different pattern.
It’s that correct more or less?
Anyone here remember the old flash game Junkbot?
Apparently, this is the code for a Hello World program in Malbolge:
As a little note, the eye tracking would be a huge selling point for social games like VRChat. Very few headsets support it so far.