Software Engineer, Linux Enthusiast, OpenRGB Developer, and Gamer Profile:

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2021


  • The main issue with new Macs is that they use ARM processors and most games, even for Mac, were made for x86 processors. Minecraft works fine as it is CPU-independent Java code, but you aren’t going to have access to a wide library like you do with Linux. I think there have been efforts to game on Wine with Mac but it will likely require x86 CPU emulation through Rosetta 2, possibly slowing things down. I remember I got Skyrim to run on my Mac Mini M1 somehow but it wasn’t a good experience.

  • Get some HDMI to VGA adapters, the kind that screw into the VGA port and then have an HDMI port. I have a bunch of old VGA monitors I use with Raspberry Pis and as test displays when working on PCs and never have to deal with the annoyances of VGA since they’re basically HDMI displays now.

  • Cloud gaming is a plague. More fuel for the “you will own nothing and be happy” camp. Let it die. GeForce Now was at least one of the better options since you just use their servers to play games from your owned library, but the whole concept is a plague nonetheless. Let streaming nonsense die. Streaming from your own PC is the only streaming solution that doesn’t exist to weaken consumer ownership of their gaming experience.

  • I have Waydroid set up on my postmarketOS OnePlus 6T mainly so I can use the Discord app. Waydroid still needs some integration issues worked out (access to location, access to Bluetooth, access to calls/texts, ability to forward notifications to the Linux side) but otherwise it runs quite well. Performance feels pretty similar to native. I also have a OnePlus 6 running stock OS for my main phone tasks as pmOS doesn’t have VoLTE support for the 6T so is kinda useless as a phone right now.

  • I’m in the middle and I don’t always like it. 100% coverage is mandatory for the industry I work in though. I get that module testing is important but it can be such a chore to work on. I got pulled in to help write tests for another project this month and that is somewhere between watching grass grow and watching paint dry in terms of level of excitement.

  • Intel A770 with stable mesa drivers, can get around 100-130fps mid settings at 4K in CS2, but got 200+ solid and just ran vsync on at 144Hz 4K very high settings in CSGO. Maybe it’s just the Linux build (which notably received zero public beta testing) but my friend said the Windows version was lower frames on his AMD 580 than CSGO too.