I’ve been called “a giant faggot” but I’m medium at most. ♥️

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Dismissing those offended feelings as walking on eggshells misses that point.

    I said “around”, not “on”. It was rather clever wordplay.

    Telling every single person in the world there are possibilities they can explore is a good thing and no level of unease at that self-examination is any person counters that good.

    A person who is trans will be better off knowing and dealing with it and the sooner the better.

    A person who isn’t trans is part of the dominate social hierarchy and will be fine, even if they are exposed to info that doesn’t apply to them or the consideration of that info makes them feel icky.

    I empathize if you’ve been tied to a chair and forcibly boofed with horse urine, I condemn such an affront to your autonomy.

    I do point out that that this is a reply thread than began with someone informing a person hormones existed and describing their effects. No comment was made that the person to whom this info was proffered should take the substance, nor was any comment made about what it would mean for anyone’s identity whom did.

    If it is being suggested to me I should consider the “harm” a hypothetical cis person may come to in being told it’s possible to not be cis and in so considering refrain from or hesitate in informing a hypothetical trans person of the same, I never will.

    A person can say, “I am confidently cisgender and enjoy typical pastimes generally associated with my sex.” That is a great time to tell them hrt exists and what it does.

    A person can say, “Nice weather today, huh?” That is a great time to tell them hrt exists and what it does.

    Rose Tyler can walk into the time vortex of a TARDIS heart, and that would be a great time to write that hrt exists and what it does across all of time and space.

    No one is better off not knowing transition is possible, and the implication mention of trans existence should ever be avoided for the benefit of non-trans persons I find just-this-side-of troubling.

  • I just want you to know there are pills which are fairly easy to get your hands on which if you take will make your skin softer and cause you to grow breasts.

    If that sounds intriguing to you, I further inform you there exist many people who happily take these pills for the entirety of their lives and the kind of person who would want to take such a substance is in no way a freak.

    But yeah, girl avatars can do sick acrobatics, huh?