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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 25th, 2024


  • I think it’s less “good jazz,” and more ‘jazz that fits the mood.’

    I don’t want to listen to thrasher metal when I’m sitting in an italian restaurant, introducing my date to the family, and I don’t want to listen to jazz when it’s inappropriate.* I remember reading the blog of the Doom soundtrack, and he talked about the difficulty in creating soundtracks because you have to take music that was meshed to visual, auditory, and psychological happenings and create ‘just’ a piece. Going the other way, how difficult must it be to take musical compositions and match them well to gameplay… it blows my mind that there are people out there who do it so well, because there are definitely games that I loved because it was just a perfect combo, and others where they were saved from mediocrity with the addition of the right sound.

    *Aside, I was trying to think an example of when jazz in a game was inappropriate, and couldn’t. Take from that what you will.

  • It’s the exact same phenomenon that several other fandoms or belief groups have gone through. First, start a satirical society and laugh about the foolishness with boon companions. Enjoy the companionship. Second, expand so that the society doesn’t die when you leave college or the location. Begin recruiting folks and telling them about your society. Third, watch as people join and some don’t realize it’s satirical. Disbelief dawns on the originals. Fourth, the true believers take over as the people in on the joke slowly leave due to all sorts of reasons, including no longer finding the society funny because of the true believers.

    I watched it happen with bronies (not the furry sexual folks, 4chan already had those, but just people who were really, really into the show) on 4chan, a ‘drinking’ club at my college that was a joke because they only drank water at the meetings (at first, anyway), and a local activity (can’t name it because it’s specific and would give it away) club that was truly supposed to be just a social gathering but is now populated by a gaggle of 70 year old women fervently taking part.

  • I know they do here in the USA. A family friend finally moved from the field to the anchor position in a decent sized city (not even a top-50 metropolitan population) and was making nearly 7 figures. I would bet the giant areas (LA, NYC, Houston, Miami, Chicago, etc) must be raking it in.

    Of course, you could probably attenuate that salary a bit because of how the job market has been moving in the last three decades, so take these numbers as less accurate than the back of the napkin numbers. We might be in shit stall territory.

  • A shooter might be hard, but I think you could make ORION: Prelude fit. It’s a little old now, but still fun. You get to shoot dinosaurs and run around big maps.

    Other games that I’d recommend: Avorion (build your own spaceships and fight and befriend the galaxy) It’s not technically a shooter, but depending on whether you pick out lasers, electric tasers, machine guns, or rail guns, there is definitely some aspects of moving to avoid enemy fire while plunking them down. [but don’t be like me and just make lots of borg cubes… because cubes are the best!]

    Ark: survival evolved (tame dinosaurs and fight the map)

    Elden Ring with seamless Coop mod (up to 6 players at once)

    War Thunder for plane sim, World of Warships for good ship battles