I agree, coke should be lower.
I agree, coke should be lower.
Please read the next line
Fortunately, taurine and arginine are both easily synthesized from vegan sources.
Yeah that’s a good thing. Being vegan is a luxury for a lot of people, due to meat subsidies and societal pressures at present.
I just enjoy hearing other people’s perspectives on this kind of stuff.
I think the extra smoke detector was just making noises because it felt left out.
First result for me on “vegan cat food” https://veganpetfood.co.nz/
Second result for “studies on vegan cat food” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37703240/
Hey, I found this.
He has a friend
The deaths from people starving, becoming homeless, being denied medical care, or devastated by climate change, all so that wealthy capitalists don’t risk becoming workers again, are also premeditated.
As the saying goes: They only call it violence when we fight back.
Can I ask what your position entailed, such that you could work remotely for 3 years?
Are you saying you lied about your height?
Right on man
I guess for any fetish, this many people have always had it. Since it’s easier now to find others that enjoy it, they’re more comfortable talking about it openly?
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intersex ??? ~150,000,000 people under strict definitions.
O Holy One, Pepsiman, who blesses our teeth with holes shaped in your great symbol’s image.
Grant us the strength to drive these CokeCrusaders from our lands, led by the dastardly KredeSeraf.
May our rivers once again flow ripe with the chemical by-products of your majestic factories.
Dulcis. Immutabilis. Pepsi.