LegionEris [she/her]

Leading a one woman branch of the Erisian Liberation Front! In love with almost everything all the time.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 23rd, 2023


  • Yeah, and it’s being monitored and addressed. I just don’t think we should have people working while genuinely sick to cover for people who just aren’t reliable. We’d be able to get rid of some of them, but we keep having people quit. The changes in the industry and the workplace from rec legalization have caused high turnover at a lot of dispensaries. It’s so much busier and more challenging than before, and not everyone from the med only times can handle it. We just hired some newbies, but we lost some management and are expecting to lose a budtender or two. It’ll even itself back out in time, once we’ve fully sorted the old crew and everyone left can handle it or came into it like this.

  • But these “incomplete” releases are often still much more game than a finished ps2 game. And we don’t really know how finished the devs considered their games at the time. We know based on found content that many of our “finished” classics had cut and canceled content that could have been completed and released/activated on the funds from initial sales if patching had been a technological possibility. They have bugs and glitches that are just part of the game because they couldn’t be fixed after release. There are old games that are or can be legitimately impossible to complete on certain platforms because they have a glitch or potential hard lock if you make certain choices. And once printed they were permanently broken games. Games have been coming out incomplete for a long time. At least now they can be fixed.

  • If you’re genuinely not using it as a gaming machine, you could take it offline for use as a blu-ray player. That would at least let you skip the OS updates. And mine only complains about the shutdown if it comes unplugged or we lose power while it’s on or in rest mode. It never complains if I fully shut it down from the menu.

  • I’m probably in line for a promotion to management, and this is something on my radar. The GM genuinely doesn’t believe in people coming in sick and will herself be the extra work or hands needed to replace them. I’m the same way. But the example she sets is having Lupus and being some kind of unwell too often to never be sick at work. The other manager, recently promoted, is frustrated by the fact that we legitimately have people who don’t take care of themselves and take advantage of our relatively lax on time and attendance policy. But she’s a good friend of mine who I think can be inspired to grow and move past that, especially if we could manage to filter out a few problem employees. The advent of rec market realities has shaken out several people already, including three out of four members of the management team. It’s just not the job it was a year ago.

  • Yeah, I have narrow feet as well. There are barefoot brands with wider fits, but I like the snug fit I can get with Merrells. And heel striking has to go when you switch to barefoot. Mid to forefoot stride is the way! Heel striking puts stress on your ankles and knees. Changing your stride will strengthen your feet and protect your joints.

  • I’m a serious Merrell enthusiast. I love their trail glove line, especially anything with the Trail Glove 3 soles. I’m wearing my Power Gloves right now, which are weird rare high tops. I also have a pair of Trail Glove 5s. They’re not quite as comfortable as the 3 sole style, but they are so high performance it’s ridiculous. No matter how or where my foot lands, I have both grip and mobility. My dream shoes are Wildlings, with the split soles. But there aren’t a bunch of those on ebay like there are Merrells, so I can’t just keep and beat up multiple pairs.

    What sort of shoe do you usually find comfortable? Do you have wide or narrow feet? Is your arch deep or shallow?

  • I have exclusively worn barefoot, minimalist shoes for ~5 years now. I have never had a foot injury. If anything, I experience significantly less back and knee pain since making the change. I have an old martial arts injury in my right knee. As long as I wear primarily barefoot shoes, it never passively hurts anymore. As long as I don’t make a habit of it and go right back to my Merrells, I can wear heels all day without any joint pain because my joints are stronger and healthier than they used to be. I don’t have trouble with sharp things, in part because I look where I’m stepping, but also in part because I can feel what I’m stepping on before I put my weight down. I don’t often go barefoot outside the house because I live in a dirty city, but I am a full time barefoot shoes convert. It’s the obnoxious thing I tell people the benefits of all the time because I know so many people in constant pain who wear big old bulky sneakers and boots.