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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023


  • The average uplifting story is only effective on people who are mostly doing OK mentally. Those types of people might see a depressing story and wonder why anyone would ever want to consume something so dark and depressing.

    Someone who is depressed will not be able to relate to a typical uplifting story, it will seem unrealistic and naive. A depressing story is meeting them on their level. They will see that someone else understands how they feel and will feel less alone. A depressing story has a chance of affecting a depressed person a giving them hope in a way a regular story does not.

    That is my interpretation of the comic.

    Lots of fiction collapses under examination.

    Yes, over analyzing every little detail and finding flaws in logic is a great way of completely missing the point the author is trying to get across. Your analysis of this comic comes across as borderline satire. There is absolutely no need to examine the physical logic of the comic past the point of “the balloons are metaphors for stories”. There are plenty of ways to analyze and critique the comic, such as examining how well the balloons function as a metaphor, but trying to figure out the internal logic of the world is missing the point completely.

  • I live in Vancouver, easily top 10 city, probably top 5. And yeah you’re right, I do know two people who advocate, my aunt and uncle. No one else I know is even remotely passionate about urbanization efforts. Lots of people I know use public transit, but they don’t view it as something that can be relied on as their main form of transportation. Yes, the fact that our public transit is not nearly as good as it could be is a huge part of it, but the point remains that most people do not feel strongly about improving it.

    I’m sure my privilege has kept me in a bit of a bubble but there are seriously very few people who feel strongly about public transit and cycling infrastructure. Even my less privileged friends are hardly advocates for better infrastructure and the people I’ve met through sports leagues all drive, I’m literally the only person I know who rides a bike everywhere they go. I used to frequent a local news website and any article that mentioned road diets or public transportation became toxic battlefields between pro and anti car folks.

    There is absolutely a significant group of advocates in the city, but I really feel like you’re misjudging the percentage of people who support urbanization efforts.