With a shitty plot. The anime version is a philosophical book, with a lot of interesting references, the movie is a corporation bad trope.
With a shitty plot. The anime version is a philosophical book, with a lot of interesting references, the movie is a corporation bad trope.
It is a really shitty movie that removes the philosophical part , the real interesting meaning of the anime, to be replaced by a corporation bad shitty trope.
Ghost in the shell movie doesn’t exist
You are right, taxes are a part of the problem. Home scarcity and the fact that real estate is THE asset are another thing
The tax bracket is for the landlord, if the landlord pay 0.4% , you pay 0.4%.
The problems is that if you live in an house you rent, you have to pay indirectly full property tax. Cause you aren’t living in a property you own.
I have seen the amount paid in property taxes in USA via Zillow and… It is HUGE. No surpries that rents are so high. Rent have to cover minimum taxes, maintenance and part of house value. These expenses set the minimum value of a rent. But why you have so high property taxes? Cause enterprieses and billionaires don’t pay taxes and cause they put their huge capitals also in real estate, raising the prices. The problem is that real estate is a right ( house ), but also an asset.
Usa left ( the liberal one ) it is not the same thing as the classical ( socialist/communist ) left. Liberals are a product of the capitalism. North Korea is a socialist country.
Btw: never seen so many downvotes as in american theads. ( left and right ) you have really an huge hivemind.
Liberal meme*
The classic left is different
Infant mortality doesn’t change the numbers a lot. North Korea have a much better demography than South Korea. Modern capitalism destroy the populations the embrace it.
So having activities for leisure and money is a problem? Cause demography is the capitalistic problem. It consumes a population to produce leisures and money?
North Korea have more births than South Korea, having half of population. Capitalism is a demographic failure.
It is really difficult to hide people and why?
Bears have a better libertarian ideology
When North Korea has better demographics than all the capitalist countries ( no immigration doesn’t count, it’s cheating ) you have a big problem as an ideology.
Really scary standard. I don’t know if it is possible in my country, but this is a good reason to avoid movie theaters.
I have a different ethic ( i’m european ) , but i find less disturbing people having sex in public that security cameras pointed to the crowd.
I’m the only one or i find really creepy to have a surveillance camera with night vision pointed to the audience? This is DDR level of paranoia.
You need a doctor, not otherwise.