Just call it Ecmascript and be done with it. The name JavaScript was misleading from the beginning. Well, Ecma sounds like a skin disease but who cares.
Just call it Ecmascript and be done with it. The name JavaScript was misleading from the beginning. Well, Ecma sounds like a skin disease but who cares.
Nicht ganz. Ich habe schon mit eigenen Augen gesehen, dass der Inhalt des Papierformulars dann von einer Sachbearbeiterin in ein digitales Formular abgetippt wird.
I know this is posted in funny, but whatever. You could still login locally using keyboard and monitor. Uncool, but it works
Zutreffend auch für Avocadon’ts
[sad upvote noises]
Sorry Georg, selbst meine bekennend FDP wählenden Bekannten (die von dieser äußerst bedauerlichen Tatsache mal abgesehen trotzdem nette Menschen sind) waren auf Anti-Afd-Demos. Und die sind definitiv nicht links. Eure Wähler hingegen sind entweder Nazis oder Protestwähler die hinter muffigen Gardinen mit geballter Faust in der Jogginghose nach draußen schauen um jemanden zu finden der für ihre eigene miese Lage verantwortlich sein könnte.
That looks like advice on how NOT to ask for technical support on a public forum.
Sie denkt vermutlich eher an dies.
I don’t like this story. The outcome is only accidentally good and what the author seems to miss entirely is the elephant in the room: A crass failure to communicate with the developers. If you try to establish something like KPIs (not commenting on if that is good or bad here) you need to talk to the team and get them on board. If you treat them like lab rats and try to measure individual performance from the outside that is an obvious fail. In the end, where they state that they “quietly” dropped it, indicates that the real lesson was not learned.
Uh, and a dilbert comic.
I can almost taste the deafening sound of silence from the receiving end.