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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 11th, 2023

  • So you’re arguing what exactly?

    That since they both came in an oppressed the local Arabs of the 1830s (who are in no way ever included in the definition of Palestian?) and took their land that but migration continued so the Israeli pushing of Palestinians off of the land is just a continuation of what both sides did to the definitely never Palestinian Arabs who were there earlier and so it isn’t wrong?

  • I’d hope its to convince the government of Israel to get rid of corrupt leader Netanyahu, and to work towards an equitable two state peace agreement with an independent Palestine in the West Bank and Gaza.

    Or failing that, to convince people that unconditional support of the current Israeli government is bad, actually. Something many Israeli themselves believe (not to mention non-Israeli Jews).

  • I’ll give you the story as I can recall it…

    The trip was reliving the person’s life from top to bottom, and at various points hearing huge applause or boos or an emotional rection of some kind, and turning round and seeing that they were on the set of “This Was Your Life” with a huge studio audience. The presenter would give a prize, joke or something and ask some questions which led back to reliving their life and soon forget about the “show” until the next time the crowd went wild. It is said it felt like a lifetime, I don’t know how long the trip lasted in measured time.

  • Or maybe both?

    As was detailed by someone else the Doylian reason why heroes don’t change the status quo is that people want to see our world in media, not a fantasy one and that this means only villains are allowed to want changes, but since the people funding the production of media tend to be invested in the status quo status quo changing ideas tend to be flanderised and done by people who do evil and selfish acts to reinforce standard morality.

  • Off the top of my head the villain in one of the Iron Man films was opposed to US war crimes and imperialism, New New Spider Man 1 had the Vulture as a villain whose deal was Stark and the wealthy were screwing people over.

    In Batman Begins 3 Bane is a pastiche of anarchism/anti-capital ideas until revealed that that’s a play by Talia.

    Well intentioned extremist is a pretty common villain trope in general.

  • You’re not wrong.

    But I also don’t think it’s a big delta in risk chance in a lot of cases, meanwhile in some parts of the world (looking at you East Asia) spy cameras are a huge problem.

    There are, I imagine millions of nude photos taken that never leak.

    I think a reason many feminists feel strongly on the issue is that it really throws society’s whore-virgin paradigm into relief, where women with sexuality are pushed to take the blame for their actions without much (any) consideration for them as people. Which is the reason “just don’t take them” gets the hostile reaction it does, and is a ridiculed response.