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Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • It really is quite easy to ignore them. I’ve been able to do a stellar job at it, but I also find that it’s really easy since I’ve never met a single person in my entire damned life who likes it to the point where I feel the need to take some kind of action. Yes, sometimes a friend explains that they like pumpkin spice and that is not a crime. It’s good because then if I ever get them something I’ll know what they like.

    Yes, you said people can like things. You also made it pretty clear that if you ever hear them excited about the thing they like you’ll label them as annoying and then the rest of your nonsense comment kicks in.

    Oh, and the bacon thing was a deliberate ad/propoganda campaign by the pork industry and it’s likely that 90% of what you saw as fervor was really just an advertisement. The rest is because, and I know this might seem crazy, bacon is pretty good and people like it.

  • It’s a jab at people who foam at the mouth whenever they get mad that someone is having more fun than they are despite being totally allowed to also do the thing if it weren’t for whatever trauma they’re not dealing with.

    I drink my coffee black, too, I just don’t do it because I think I’m a manly-man. It’s actually because I hate the texture of milk or cream and the sugar, to my taste, just exists beside the coffee instead of sweetening it so it’s always awful. I don’t even like coffee that much so it makes no difference either way.

  • That sometimes works, but sometimes the right way is not immediately comfortable so people so stuff that seems right and hurt themselves. Sometimes the thing that seemed correct initially was only because of a lack of deeper understanding and an ignorance of the knowledge of those who have already made the mistakes.

    I dance, play instruments, drive cars, and do a whole lot of other things where the immediately comfortable thing is so often one of the best ways to develop a massively limiting habit that is a huge pain to get away from once you realize how badly it’s holding you back.

    It’s a case-by-case basis, of course, but simply “the best is what you’re most comfortable with” does not have near the nuance it needs to not be abused. It is great advice for people once they have built up a strong base of knowledge, and until then they need to get over it and try things.

  • It’s fucking soup with cheese that’s so covered in sauce it will never reach any level of golden brown delicious, nor even be able to dream of it. It’s such a US thing to think that more is better while annihilating all the nuance that makes the thing actually good in the first place.

    A deep crust is fine, just put more in it and put that cheese on top where it can really shine. Fill that bad bitch with all kinds of great stuff. Use more than the most basic, one-note pizza sauce.

    I was so hyped for deep-dish and it let me down so fucking hard.

  • No?

    Yes, sometimes it’s better to just leave the shitty person to be shitty but not calling people out also validates their shitty opinions. I’m glad you’re in a place of privilege to just ignore it but maybe practice your own fuckin’ augenmaß and butt out if you don’t have anything constructive to say.

  • As usual they get to live and their innocent victims pay the price.

    You know what would be awesome? If Kevin O’Leary died in a house fire, trapped and begging for his life.

    Is that harsh? I gave up caring years ago. These people have every possible resource at their disposal to not be absolute pieces of shit. But they just can’t stop doing shit that leaves millions of people dead, injured, or much more commonly, in a state of poverty or near poverty for their entire lives because these assholes never learned how to share.

    So I’ll say it again: I hope Kevin O’Leary dies in some excruciatingly painful way. Bonus points if him being a jackass kicks it off and he has to suffer the consequences of his own actions.

  • So that one state is a minority government? If it weren’t for the fact the right is just objectively wrong about literally everything I actually prefer a setup where no one party has a majority. Majorities mean that the ruling party can just ignore everyone else and huge numbers of people just have effectively zero representation.

  • Ikea’s stuff is fine for the price you pay. Oddly enough their solid pine items are really sturdy and usually among the cheapest since it’s so simple and comes unfinished. I have a Tarva queen sized bed and it’s great, plus I bought $8 of 2x2 and made custom length legs for it.

    The one on the left wasn’t necessarily built to last longer. It was probably absurdly expensive back in the day and there were plenty of more cheaply made(but admittedly solid wood) options. No one is taking pictures of those less flashy pieces, though. Also you say timeless but, c’mon, it’s cool and all but definitely doesn’t fit everywhere. It screams “medieval castle” and is pretty over-the-top for basically any modern home, even grandma’s place.

    The other thing about those shelves is that they’re a lot lighter than solid wood. When you want to place them in fun locations and need to use drywall anchors it’s a big thing to reduce the weight where you can. It’s not like people are displaying bowlingballs in them. They last a plenty long time unless you have a habit of trashing your place and there’s certainly such a thing as “over-built”. If that shelf “inevitably falls out of style” then style moves slower than I thought because they’ve been making and selling that thing for-fuckin’-ever. Most importantly it’s affordable in today’s world where executives have siphoned away all our money and the working class has been left without the funds to invest in quality furniture when the Ikea stuff does just fine.

    TL;DR the piece on the left was not common when it was made and the piece on the right has its merits, not least of which is accessibility.