Line must go up or rich people angry.
It is astonishing that the leads on this game didn’t take any notes on the successful parts of other team shooters released during that timeframe.
AAA studios when there is a bug that threatens shareholder value:
It will kill industries temporarily, until the corpos realize their success came from the artists.
I was more of thinking privacy. If it is causing issues, I can remove the comment.
That’s healing the world with comedy. ~Bo Burnham
“Crime doesn’t sleep, so neither do I.” ~Batman hallucinating a conversation with the Joker due to sleep deprivation
Give yourself some enrichment. It is not wasted time if you are doing something you enjoy. It sucks that not everybody has that opportunity in this economy, but to those who do, it is up to you.
Stay away from me and my Prego Traditional chug jug.