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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • IMO it should even be hashed on the client side before being sent so that it doesn’t show up as plaintext in any http requests or logs. Then salted and hashed again server side before being stored (or checked for login).

    But if someone got that hashed version they could hack the client to have client side hashing code just send that hashed value to the server. You’d want to have the server to send a rotating token of some sort to use for encrypting the password on the client and then validate it on the server side that it was encrypted with the same token the server sent.

    Seems complicated to me… https is probably has good enough encryption, so eh, whatever.

  • It’s possible that well intentioned extremists really are more likely to have a negative impact and not cause any positive change.

    How many mass shooters have a manifesto? Often they’re upset about how things are and feel like killing a bunch of people will change things. But they just wind up killing a bunch of people and don’t influence anyone to do anything. Well other than copy cats who also just kill people.

    In real life wanting change isn’t bad. But using violence is bad and doesn’t result in any positive change. The use of violence makes people feel helpless and so they want to see movies about heroes with superpowers that can take on violent extremists.

  • Sure but they instantly lost the thread by going after superheroes that didn’t sign on before going after Nitro. Dude’s still out there and could still blow up more schools, but let’s instead duke it out with Captain America because that’s more important right now. WTF?

    Tony Stark is behaving way more irresponsibly than those teenagers were. But he’s heading up an initiative to train teenagers with super powers to be more responsible?

    The movie did it better. They weren’t debating a law while Ultron was still out there doing his thing. The debate came after Ultron was taken care of. Immediate danger is taken care of, so now we can think about how we can do things better. Comic book version was just Tony Stark and Reed Richards become super villains for a while. Their actions don’t really make any sense.

  • Yeah this is my take too. Comic book writers aren’t very good at being subtle, so it ended up being Reed Richards and Tony Stark become supervillains for a while. The whole debate about the laws were rendered moot when they made a Thor clone and a negative zone gitmo.

    The movie had put the debate over the laws a little more prominently, and it was more about the character’s differences in how they saw things. Cap favouring individual responsibility over instituitions made sense given the whole hydra infiltration. Stark not trusting his own judgment makes sense because his story started with almost being killed by a weapon he invented. Different experiences led to different conclusions and neither of these guys turned into super villains.

    Nice little touch to have an actual villain manipulating things in the background and almost getting away with it because the heroes were too busy fighting each other to even notice him.

  • Voting Green has the exact same effect as not voting. Yeah, it shouldn’t be that way, but it’s the way it is. There’s wanting the ideal system where third party votes matter and there’s pretending it already is an ideal system

    You don’t get to an ideal system by voting for people that won’t have any power to change things. You make a difference by writing to and calling the people who do have power and ensure the people you call are at least sympathetic to what you want.

    It is indeed not that complicated.

  • A ranked choice type system would mean a third party wouldn’t be just something that screws up elections. In fact it would probably really benefit Democrats as people who might not go to vote otherwise might go vote green as their top pick and then vote Democrat as their second pick. If the Green candidate won, that’s someone they could make some compromises with to get legislation passed. If the green candidate loses, then many of their votes would go to the Dem candidate making it more likely they would win.

    Twice in this century a GOP candidate has won the EC without winning the popular vote. So it’s obvious why the Democrats would want to get rid of that.

    But as it stands voting third party (or not voting) is just letting everyone else decide how things should be. The way it works now is you vote for the candidate most likely to care about your concerns (and who could feasibly win) and write to them and tell them what you want. Yeah it’s a pain in the ass to write to a representative, but it’s more likely to have an effect than anything you write on the internet. Be polite, tell them the things you want that can be reasonably be implemented. Also you’re probably going to have to vote in many elections to get what you want. But if it’s something you really care about you’re willing to vote in as many elections and write to your rep as many times as needed to get it done.

    It takes time, but it’s more effective than doing nothing.

  • Kinda awkward too. Seth Meyers did a bit where he went with Joe Biden to get ice cream. He asked the employees if they liked ice cream. It’s kinda a silly question because they just work there.

    It’s just a really bad idea to go into a place with no advance notice with a bunch of cameras. These aren’t actors, they just work at a donut shop, what do you expect to happen? The woman immediately saying “I don’t want to be on TV” makes a lot of sense. She’s just working a shift, hasn’t had a chance to put on some makeup and make herself look nice for the cameras. It’s just ambushing regular people and expecting it to come out good. Dumb move all around.

  • If you actually want a potential President Kamala Harris to have some good legislation to sign, you might want to consider voting for congressional candidates that will write the kind of legislation you want. And if you want to end the Electorial College bullshit, you might consider voting for state reps. And while you’re there, you may as well vote for Harris if for no other reason than you might someday say to your grandkids that you voted for the first woman President. That’s a better story to tell than explaining about how you were too angsty about “the system” to bother going out to vote.

  • The politcal system means that voting for a third party means you’re not actually opposing fascism. It has the exact same effect as not voting at all. While it’s not supporting fascism, it’s also not opposing fascism. So it’s just being fascism neutral.

    It would be nice if you had a system where a third party vote wasn’t the same as not voting but that kind of system will never happen if you continue to waste your vote.

  • Most fascist movements die out before they can hold onto power long enough to transform society.

    We tend to focus on the fascist movements that have obtained power on held onto it long enough to transform a country into a fascist state. Mussolini, Franco, Hitler etc.

    But the danger is there so it’s important to be vigilant.

    That being said… yeah, on lemmy.ml, anyone that fails the leftist purity test is a liberal and all liberals are fascists. Everyone is a fascist that isn’t an authoritarian with a red and yellow flag.