They were also wise to not have revealed the Switch 2 any earlier, because it would have jeopardized sales of the Switch 1. Enough companies have made this mistake in the past.
Ah, the Osborne effect…
They were also wise to not have revealed the Switch 2 any earlier, because it would have jeopardized sales of the Switch 1. Enough companies have made this mistake in the past.
Ah, the Osborne effect…
The issue isn’t just a simple oversight. Git includes the file name as part of the tree and commit hash. The hash has security implications. There’s really no way to make the hash support case insensitivity without opening up a multitude of holes there. So there will always be a mismatch, and you can’t just fix it without changing how git works from the ground up.
Quite literally the first paragraph of the article:
According to Soviet records 381,067 German Wehrmacht POWs died in NKVD camps (356,700 German nationals and 24,367 from other nations).
Or in more detail lower down in the section titled Soviet statistics:
According to Russian historian Grigori F. Krivosheev, Soviet NKVD figures list 2,733,739 German “Wehrmacht” POWs (Военнопленные из войск вермахта) taken with 381,067 having died in captivity.
I’m not sure which German you expect to have conducted this research other than a former Nazi, seeing as basically everyone left was a former Nazi. And I don’t see how you can just dismiss the government report as Nazi lies when even the Soviets report a figure of 350 thousand dead.
Because Bedrock runs on phones, tablets, consoles, and a host of other random crap
And it also removes Linux support. Typical Microsoft.
Then they’ll just identify you by the sound of the printer being audible from down the street.
Or libcinder. Or even simply Arduino.
That’s a very arbitrary delineation that just seems to be something you worked out backwards to support your claim. I’m an EE and software developer and I sometimes do projects involving both fields (which would be computer engineering, I guess), and there’s really not that much difference. I certainly don’t see why I would label half of it engineering and the other half not.
As they point out at the end, this wasn’t about the old control panel, but the new settings panel. It’s all brand new code.