No, the title is a homophone for a slang term for ejaculation.
No, the title is a homophone for a slang term for ejaculation.
They knew what they were doing. Obviously this is (I assume) just more of the same step-family kink fad nobody asked for.
Wheels are so boring! Why can’t they just innovate?!
This video says it both ways I’ve heard. The white people around me pronounce it like the one with the union jack (heavy emphasis on the B), the Spanish speakers pronounce it more like the version with the American flag background (ironic). Most of the other pronunciation videos I could find seem to be made by AI voices and mangle the pronunciation in a myriad of ways. This other video has an actual person speaking well (I can’t speak to the rest of the content of the video).
I’ve been mocked and had some people outright pretend they don’t understand what I’m saying when I pronounce guanábana correctly.
It’s not impolite to dig in and eat the food when it is fresh and hot.
This is why they are mostly sold with a bitterant outer coating. It should be pretty gross to just hold a recently purchased coil cell battery in your mouth these days.
A small percentage of hyper inflated prices over a large consumer base still equates to MASSIVE profits. It is a fundamental ethical flaw that we even allow for-profit medicine that is compounded by obvious cartel organization structures and corruption.
Same, but CADD packages. Every UI is different for each app. Users each have unique configurations of buttons, ribbons, and task windows. Some apps even use completely different terms for identical concepts. Long ago I stopped remembering button and tool placement in autoCAD and just memorized commands because the GUI would completely change with every update and sometimes after a crash.
Hedwig sings a song about this myth, Origin of Love.
I’m not the one being combative here. You’re attitude is pretty condescending and alienating. Are you okay?
You totally missed the part where OP said she was looking into Python because she ALREADY WORKS IN GIS.
She already works in GIS and is looking to supplement that work with python. Python is used for more than geojson and web development in ArcGIS Pro. I’ve use it for constructing labels, simple field calculations, symbology, data processing etc. and in general ESRI makes it pretty simple to implement compared to the other terms you’ve listed. All she really needs to get started using Python with ESRI products is an simple python course and googling for some ArcGIS examples, which are pretty abundant. I remember taking one ages ago that ran the code in the browser, but I can’t remember it now.
Some people get a lot out of sitting very still and clearing their minds completely. Some people get more clarity in motion, while running, rowing, cycling, or walking. There is another way on meditation that involves almost the opposite of a clear mind, where you focus on experiencing and really noticing absolutely everything around you; every breath, birdsong, machine noise, footstep, squirrel chittering, and insect buzzing. Sometimes while focusing on a puzzle or game like Tetris, Sodoku, or a Rubik’s cube, it feels meditative to me. I don’t know if that’s real meditation. But my point is that everyone’s built differently, find what works for you and stop worrying about failing. If you’re trying, you’re not failing.
Give em The Harkness Test
Have you ever worn chainmail without an undershirt? Or gambeson? It feels neat at first. Never had to worry about pinching. It didn’t grab any hair. The metal will feel cool and smooth all night. But oh Lord, the awful pain it will bring to unprotected virgin nipples. Like surfing for a hundred years without a rash guard all in one hedonistic night concentrated on the area less than two dimes. NEVER AGAIN. A couple bandaids or pasties the next time and all is good.
I think you’ll be fine with just a top sheet between you and the chainmail.
Henry Crabgrass would like a word…
There is a certain elegance to this kind of writing. I was surprised how easy it is to read. Maybe I have an advantage because I’ve always made it a little mental game to read mirrored text when I see it either in an actual mirror or from the wrong side of a clear pane of glass. The utility of the ox turn method seems to shine when the inscription is on a tablet that can be held and turned in one’s hands.
I know the Hogwarts Legacy game got a lot of hate from Rowling being a monster, but the game mechanics really let you optimize stealthing. I’ve snuck into many a goblin stronghold and just sneaky sneak murder-hobo’d like 20 or more of them, one at a time, looting the bodies before they even hit the floor. They even show the little ! icon. I feel like I’m playing Solid Snake goes to Hogwarts sometimes.
Usually only kernel changes if at all, but they mentioned registry keys.