This and Windows 8 and 8.1: either crappy or confusing
This and Windows 8 and 8.1: either crappy or confusing
Unexpected Disco Elysium posting
Thanks Royal Navy
Thanks Obamium!
For their greedy brains, this is literally about control and surveillance. They can’t make sure that you are working the full company time and even overtime while at home in your comfort and pyjamas.
forgettable MC
Or Moldova and Transnistria. Or Georgia and Abhazia and South Ossetia
Happened to me several days ago too. Somebody asked me my age and the only thing that I remembered was my birth year. So I said: “I’m born in 19**, can’t do the math.” We laughed it off after that
It’s because of big pay, highly mobile employees, hiding the real role of the HR and this false sense of security compared to the rest of the workplaces despite all these lay-offs from the big companies. Also, whenever a unionizing attempt happens, the companies go into crackdown mode and have their multitude of ways to either fire you with a bogus reason, remove your post citing “restructuring” or pulling you on a dead career track and demonize you in front of your colleagues with the usual “we care about our employees and everything can already be resolved through HR” speech. And moreover, many of these issues have a direct cause the Work Laws of the respective countries
Yes, by either raising your own farm animals, buying dairy and meat products from known and truly eco producers or going vegan. The last option, though, might get you into another category of chemicals and/or GMOs if you don’t carefully select the products and categories based on labeling and nutritional values and knowledge
And animal 'roids AND microplastics
The Dacia Sandero!
I’m still using CommonJS and occasionally ESM, but I always get to integrate JSDoc for weak typing in IntelliSense. It’s like getting the (almost) juiciest part from Typescript without committing to it
I would see that crypto and blockchain scam as more like the last breath of Web2, given the monetization thing
Don’t even get me started on the litigation terrorism against states that want to implement green laws