I can’t agree with this enough, though I think part of the problem is that it isn’t what’s easy to complete your W-4 accurately, there is an entire worksheet to use if you file jointly that is sorta difficult to do well, especially if both people make fairly different amounts. If you just choose the basic withholding it’s very likely the bigger breadwinner isn’t withholding enough and you’ll end up owing about what the comic shows (at least that is my experience, as well as some friends).
I think the real problem in the US is that everyone is left to do their tax paperwork from scratch every year when the IRS could send you a personalized return prefilled that you then claim the deductions and credits you’re due and account for any descrpenices (which sure, is what your W-2 is supposed to be, but it isn’t really that, you still need to use the worksheets on the 1040 or pay someone/some software to do it for you; a prefilled 1040 would be a way better system).
It also doesn’t account for the huge variations in state taxes. Many states have income taxes, some are reciprocal with nearby states and others aren’t, the deductions and credits and even what is taxable is all different. The whole thing is a mess. Then lord help you if you live in a state with local income taxes or one where your local taxes are different than school taxes(like PA) and the whole thing is a half day exercise in frustration to complete and you’re still left wondering if you did it right.
This is great advice, and all points I’ve learned as well over the years in IT. I worked help desk as a T3 for a bit and it’s sucked. Even when people were not asses (honestly most weren’t, they were generally professional but frustrated) the shear amount of effort to fix small things was awful and it kept me from working on projects I wanted to actually put time towards. I now work in cybersecurity compliance and essentially just tell everyone they need to fill out more paperwork, slow down processes, and then tell them no. It’s soul crushing. But I like my company and the people I work with (this hasn’t shared been the case everywhere I’ve worked).
For OP:
I think the keys are write down everything, and account for all of your time. If you helped someone there needs to be a record of it. Without metrics your management can’t get you more help if they want to, though it sounds like they don’t want to. Those metrics also give you the ammo you need to defend why things are slower than management wants, or why customers are unhappy.
I am also a big proponent of a strong work life balance. I work 7:30 to 5, at 5:01 I lock my PC and am done for the day. Problems will still be there in the morning, or in Monday. I try hard not to complain shoot them or think about work much outside of that 7:30 to 5 period.
Finally, consider your life plan. Where do you want to be in 5 years? 10? 20? You have to begin with the end in mind, otherwise you wander aimlessly and never get traction towards your goals. For me it’s moving towards management so I can effect better changes in my workplace and company, for others it’s being a true SME that knows everything about a specific topic. It’s likely not working help desk still though (as you note it’s the bottom of the IT barrel, or the trench’s as many call it; good for getting a foot in the door and cutting your teeth, but a really shit career). If you want to stay in IT, then it’s worth specializing. Learn AD, networking, PKI, software deployment, virtualization, or whatever skill interests you, and learn it hard. Then make yourself indispensable (which it sounds like you’ve already done with help desk). Those skills are portable, and most enterprises need them and will pay well for them. That gives you the leverage to negotiate better pay, benefits, working conditions, etc. with management. But don’t be afraid to look elsewhere. Keep your resume polished and apply to things that look interesting. Our world isn’t our parents, it’s a rare company that rewards following the 40 year tunnel. It’s expected that you will jump from company to company and job to job to move up, and IME that helps with avoiding the burnout since at least the people and surroundings change.