I hope I’m reading this wrong and I truly apologize if I am but I’m getting pretty strong ‘asshole’ vibes here, much stronger than I would from anyone using the word “normie”, personally.
But either way, it’s actually good to know when words I previously felt were overall harmless can cause this kind of response. I may not be from the USA, or have come from a background where it’s such a charged word, but I’m on a platform that’s likely mostly American (based on the news and politics that come through ‘All’), so I will refrain from using it unless I find it absolutely necessary.
Which should be fairly easy to do, considering that I barely ever use it anyway and just thought that this would be an amusing conversation.
Not gonna judge because I’ve probably been somewhere similar before. I am not exactly who I was yesterday either. I hope that you make it through the other side of whatever is hurting you and start to feel pain free again.