That’s on purpose, the site asks not to be indexed. Oglaf is like cool sites in the 90’s, you had yo hear about them.
That’s on purpose, the site asks not to be indexed. Oglaf is like cool sites in the 90’s, you had yo hear about them.
We’ll be doing soon at this rate.
I love finding an oglaf in the wild
It’s not like they’re going to be the ones to save them.
Great, now I’m hungry for apples.
Blue states and blue ball states.
Has anyone here ever had sex in a canoe? I can only imagine the logistics of laying down enough life preservers to make it comfortable, and any sidewards motions should be right out unless you want to turn this into skinny dipping. I guess you could use the momentum to your advantage to get some good thrusts in, but really, has the bottom of a canoe ever smelled sexy?
Just something to think about.
Australia got huge in that picture.
Better buy one now before they’re subscription only.
You can always fish out of water a villain. Their solution could sound reasonable where they come from, but during the quest for enlightenment be made clearly wrong, and they refuse to change. Breaking that step can turn the audience.
I’d like to buy all of those people a round of absinth, gender be damned.
I remember in 2000 I saw a well produced video with chuck norris and his wife saying that obama was the coming of the anti-christ, and I was very “uhhhhhhhh I did not know that about him.”
Not to critique too hard, but the woman shouldn’t look angry, she she should be looking in the distance thinking, “these fake boobs weren’t worth it.”
What about Earthmoon Savings Time?
I consider it a great business tactic to hire the good people from my competitors for $2 more, treat them well, and then watch the competition slowly flame out and crash.
Pretty sure Radha Mitchell only does front end development.
Very good show, both seasons. I recommend it.
Man, that would suck.
Here’s a fun tidbit, I used to deal with ambulance billing. Most places would try to hang back on submitting their bills, because the first to submit would hit the insurance deductible, and it was unsure if that portion would be paid.
Flight services bill as quickly as possible, out of concern of hitting a billing cap, because after, say, $100,000 on a bill, some policies stop paying.