Is evolutionary anachronism really a disputed theory when it comes to avocados?
Is evolutionary anachronism really a disputed theory when it comes to avocados?
Fun fact: some fruit evolved to be eaten by mega fauna, giant animals, that no longer exist because uh we ate them. One of those is Avocado. A pit that is way too big to be eaten by fauna of current day size.
I’ve implemented a few of these and that’s about the most lazy implementation possible. That system prompt must be 4 words and a crayon drawing. No jailbreak protection, no conversation alignment, no blocking of conversation atypical requests? Amateur hour, but I bet someone got paid.
The gun mount only turns 45°.
Only black or green tea, herbal tea (sorry, infusion) not so much.
And that’s just smart design, so you don’t get fried if the breaker or RCD is physically blocked or is wilfully held in place, like with hillbilly Bob over here.
Microsoft has shown with Phi-2 ( that synthetic data generation can be a great source for training data.
Well yeah, that’s my point. It’s good to so that sometimes though, to deconstruct things like that. Telepathic electric meat is awesome, beef juice maybe less so (I still eat cheese, and drink milk occasionally, but it is weird.)
Homelander has entered the chat.
It’s one of those things that gets weirder the longer you think about it. Pouring some cow milk from a carton I to your cereal? Totally not weird. Beef juice squeezed from some utter, along with puss and hormones, ultra heated and squirted through a fine mesh? Pretty weird.
Juice is reserved for liquids extracted from fruits and veggies. Almonds are neither, they’re nuts (well, seed really). It’s called almond milk because of it’s appearance and texture. the more you knooooow.
They might also not enjoy going down with their claws tied.
Ich überlege wann ich zuletzt in so einem Laden war. 10 Jahre ist es bestimmt schon her. Wie halten sich diese Dinger in bester Lage eigentlich?
No Elephants in South America, where the Avocado evolved.