For anyone interested in weird retro movies, the photo is from Valley of the Dolls, which I recommend.
For anyone interested in weird retro movies, the photo is from Valley of the Dolls, which I recommend.
Security deposits are a type of refundable fee where a tenant pays a specific amount (often many hundreds of dollars) to a landlord to “ensure” that they don’t damage a residence while living there. If the residence is damaged, the landlord keeps the deposit. The term is derived from contract law where “security” just means a way to make sure that a party to a contract meets their contractual obligations.
There are many instances where a landlord illegally keeps the deposit over damage that was either already existing or minimal (also referred to as “wear and tear” damage, which is expected when you live somewhere long-term), so OP is calling for the courts to determine the extent of damage to prevent landlords from taking advantage of tenants.
In some jurisdictions (like the one I live in), security deposits and most other related deposits such as key deposits (i.e., a refundable fee paid to obtain a key to the residence) are completely illegal in order to eliminate the possibility entirely.
The reality here is that if you really have “a love of creampies” and a “fear of having kids” then vasectomy is really going to be your best option. Wasting time on condoms is a matter of preference rather than frugality when you’re currently working, especially when that workplace offers health benefits, precisely due to the answers to the questions I posed.
Edit: Vasectomy is also something that you can have done proactively, unlike abortion, which must be performed once a pregnancy actually exists and within a certain number of weeks depending on jurisdiction. If you already have the number of kids you want, it makes a lot of sense.
What does an abortion cost when you pay cash? What’s the average child support payment? How much do you have in savings to put towards a large medical expense for a child (such as a birth or severe injury)?
Just some thought-provoking questions to put the cost in perspective.
Hm, while almost all of the pet subreddits I used to visit allowed grief posts (which is what I thought you were complaining about), none seemed to have a problem with people showcasing their pets’ corpses in photos.
Reddit’s moderation must have descended to total dogshit or maybe there’s one mod common to all these pet subreddits that’s just really weird.
Oof. People can’t even post memes about things that frustrate them now? A lot of trans memes are about shit like this, if we removed all those there’d barely be any left.
You’re welcome. Hopefully you don’t have to deal with security deposits any time soon. :3