• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • That makes sense, and that engine and some of the other games they feature look interesting.

    Does that mean that Balatro (and presumably other LOVE 2D games) is packaged like Doom with its WAD files, where there’s an engine (a generic LOVE 2D one) that runs the game, interpreting the Lua game code, which is basically just packaged like an asset? Or is there a Balatro engine that needed to be built for each platform? I saw that BMM downloads a base IPA and an APK patcher, so I’m assuming it’s closer to the latter, but I could see it going either way.

  • Paired with allowing people who own the original to upgrade for $10 (and I’m assuming something similar in the UK) when they’re charging $50 for the remaster if you don’t have the original, that makes sense. They’re just closing a loophole.

    I’d much rather they double the existing game’s price than for them to charge $25-$30 for the upgrade or to even just not have one outright.

    It sucks for anyone who’d been planning to play the original and who just hadn’t bought it yet, but used prices for discs should still be low, so only the subset of those people who have disc-less machines are really impacted.

  • UBI doesn’t give any power to those who own the means of automation, nor does it take power away from laborers. Automation does that. Automation reduces the leverage of the laborer by reducing the capitalist’s reliance on labor.

    We have the same leverage regardless of whether we have UBI or not, but the leverage of employers is reduced with UBI. That said, if more people opt not to work thanks to UBI, then the people who choose to work will see their leverage increased.

  • If you’re in the US, unpaid overtime is only permissible if you’re salaried exempt. To be salaried exempt:

    • you must make at least $684 every week ($35,568/year)
    • your primary job responsibility must be one of the following:
      • executive - managing the enterprise, or managing a customarily recognized department or subdivision; you must also regularly direct your work of at least two FTEs and be able to hire / fire people (or be able to provide recommendations that are strongly considered)
      • administrative - office or non-manual work directly related to the management or general business operations, or
      • learned professional - work which is predominantly intellectual in character and which includes work requiring the consistent exercise of discretion and judgment, in the field of science or learning
      • creative professional - work requiring invention, imagination, originality or talent in a recognized field of artistic or creative endeavor
      • IT related - computer systems analyst, computer programmer, software engineer or other similarly skilled worker in the computer field
      • sales
      • HCE (you must be making at least $107k per year)
    • your pay must not be reduced if your work quality is reduced or if you work fewer hours
      • for example, if you work 5 days a week, for an hour a day, you must get the same pay as if you worked 8 hours every day. There are some permissible deductions they can make - like if you miss a full day - and they can require you to use vacation time or sick time, if you have it - and of course they can fire you if you’re leaving without completing your tasks… but they still have to pay you.

    Check out https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fact-sheets/17a-overtime for more details on the above.

    It’s quite possible you’re eligible for back-paid overtime.

    Note also that the minimum exempt wages are increasing in July.

    Re your “cover my expenses just to exist” bit and the follow-up about employers catching on and pushing abusive shit… if this is related to a disability make sure to look into getting that on record and seeking an accommodation. If your primary job duty is X and they’re pushing you to do Y, but your disability makes Y infeasible, then it’s a pretty reasonable accommodation to ask to not have to do Y (assuming your HCP agrees, of course).

  • I’m Hedgehog, the poor senior dev who was assigned to review Hal’s code.

    Panel 1: ✅ (PR Approved) LGTM but you’re missing the styling from the mock-ups, should be easy to add.

    Panel 2: ❌ (Changes requested)

    Nit: Hal, your PR failed in CI. You should have used const instead of let. Did you forget to run the linter before pushing?

    Also, the useState hook isn’t doing anything. If it doesn’t need to, just leave it as an uncontrolled component. I didn’t look at the surrounding code but this is part of a form, right? If not then it should be receiving the setter/value as props.

    Panel 3: ✅ LGTM, ship it.

    ❌ Actually wait, you still have that do-nothing state code in there. Either get rid of it or do something with it.

    Panel 4: ❌ Hal, I don’t like where this is going.

    Panel 5: (during stand-up) I reviewed Hal’s PR and just had a couple pieces of feedback. Shouldn’t take long, right, Hal?

    Panel 6: ❌ WTF, Hal. <InputField /> is literally just passing through props to input, so you don’t need it.

    Also, Hal, I recommend you look into the Styled Components library. It might better fit your needs here. You could rewrite the LoginComponent as a styled input. Of course, if you do that you should refactor the existing places where you’re using style sheets to use styled components and themes instead.

    You also still have the do-nothing useState hook for some reason. Seriously, Hal, get rid of it.

    This is how I’d write this without bringing in Styled Components, but if you use it make sure to test it first:

    import React from ‘react’;
    export const LoginForm = (props: React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<‘input’>) => (
        className={`border rounded-md p-2 focus:outline-none focus:border-blue-500 ${props.className || ‘‘}`}