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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023


  • Imagine getting hung up on something as trivial as a switch statement. Which is more poignant, I ask you?

       case 1: 
       case 2: 
       case 3: 


    if var == 1:
    elif var == 2:
    elif var== 3:

    The performance difference is absolutely negligible, but now you’ve introduced a bunch of unnecessary indentation (for no benefit) that’s gonna get hard to read should you even add a little bit of additional logic, and a footgun with all the break; s.

    And then in JS the syntax for the case-blocks isn’t even consistent with the rest of the language.</code></code></code></code></code></code></code></code>

  • Huh? The Python Stacktrace is great. What kinda fucked up library were you using that it prints the error code instead of raising an exception?!

    Also don’t think outdated library docs are a fault of Python 😅 In much the opposite way, I’ve found Python’s standard library to be really great, reducing the number of random third party libraries needed. (Looking at you, JavaScript)

  • But definitely one of the biggest factors that should be considered is how assholeish the community around a particular language is.

    I think all of the factors you’ve mentioned are extremely valid, but this is the one factor that I think should absolutely not count into whether something’s a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ language. If I’m choosing which technologies to use for my next project, the question of whether it has a rude vocal minority in its community is AS FAR DOWN on my list as possible. Right next to whether its name is hip or whether their homepage is engaging.