As it should be. It’s only cum if it comes from the Balzac area in France.
As it should be. It’s only cum if it comes from the Balzac area in France.
What’s next? Femtofunctions
Books of Blood haunted my late teenage years
Bonus points if you can get them to preserve all the NSFW mods as well.
I’d say it’s time to push the argument that the Library of Congress needs to be piercing games as part of the cultural history of the USA. If the legislative branch won’t abide private efforts then it’s time to make the government do it.
Time to ditch the Guy Fawkes mask for a powdered wig instead
My face, screaming in horror, but in words instead. I’ve only really worked with projects in homogenous languages on the application side, so hadn’t considered that. Thanks for taking the time to reply.
There is an IETF standard for UUIDs? Do we need an IETF standard for UUIDs? I’ve been coding since the '90s and never thought a UUID to be complicated or contentious enough to need a standard. I guess it makes for a pretty unique icebreaker to say you’ve contributed to an IETF standard, if you get invited to those sort of parties.
Is that not just in the vegan pornos though? Fuck cream, fuck cheese, fuck meat, etc.