Just your average friendly neighbourhood radical.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Jesus fuck if that’s really what you got from my comment

    This you?

    It’d be like kicking all the Russians out of former USSR countries, or Chinese out of Tibet, or white people out of the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

    I could swear that was you, pretending that decolonialism (somehow) automatically results in the expulsion of this or that people. You know, like a person who only views the world through a white supremacist lens would?

    So I take it there is now no objection to the dismantling and destruction of the state of Israel? Or are you still conflating Jewishness with Israel? You know, like white supremacists do?

  • why some Christians are obsessed with Israel

    I’d say that Zionism is a Christian idea, but that would be false. It’s a “western” idea that orginated among English upper-class Christians that was utterly antisemitic - the idea that Jewish people will always be an “other” in the white, oops, I meant to say “western,” world and essentially “must go back where they came from.”

    Right-wing Jewish people picked up this idea from there. Zionism has never been an exclusively “Jewish” thing and it has always been fundamentally antisemitic - that’s why you can even see neo-nazis singing Israel’s praises.

  • It’s kind of disingenuous.

    It portrays Orthodox Jewishness as being responsible for genocidal Zionism when Orthodox Jewishness has pretty much always been vehemently critical of both Zionism and the creation of Israel.

    The Jewish Zionists that perpetrated the Nakba looked no different than their fellow Europeans.

  • Sooo, which part of…

    I was reading them long before you were born, Clyde.

    …didn’t you get the first time around?

    Again. If you are so desperate to cling onto your favorite capitalist-parasite-by-day, fascist-vigilante-at-night wish-fulfillment fantasy I won’t stop you. But if you want to get all reactionary and salty when people point out the obvious about the media you have invested so much into you should expect pushback.

  • Often they’re upset about how things are and feel like killing a bunch of people will change things.

    Just like Batman, eh?

    In real life wanting change isn’t bad. But using violence

    So as long as your desire for change doesn’t actually threaten the people at the top, it’s all okay?

    That is literally what the people creating this kind of propaganda wants you to believe.

  • Are you sure you’re not being reactionary?


    It’s attacking the people that watch these movies…

    No, it doesn’t. It literally just demonstrates how we are swamped by this pro-status quo propaganda. That is most definitely not what an “elitist anti-working class” narrative looks like at all. If you want to see what an “elitist anti-working class” narrative looks like, go watch any Batman movie.