• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • C

    Chose not to do transposing/flipping or fancy indexing so it’s rather verbose, but it’s also clear and (I think) fast. I also tried to limit the number of search steps by keeping two cursors in the current row/col, rather than shooting a ray every time.

    Part 2 immediately reminded me of that Tetris puzzle from day 22 last year so I knew how to find and apply the solution. State hashes are stored in an array and (inefficiently) scanned until a loop is found.

    One direction of the shift function:

     * Walk two cursors i and j through each column x. The i cursor
     * looks for the first . where an O can go. The j cursor looks
     * ahead for O's. When j finds a # we start again beyond it.
    for (x=0; x<w; x++)
    for (i=0, j=1; i<h && j<h; )
    	if (j <= i) j = i+1;
    	else if (g[j][x] == '#') i = j+1;
    	else if (g[j][x] != 'O') j++;
    	else if (g[i][x] != '.') i++;
    	else { g[i++][x] = 'O'; g[j++][x] = '.'; vis14_emit(); }

    The main loop:

    for (nleft = 1*1000*1000*1000; nleft; nleft--) {
    	if (!period) {
    		assert(nhist < (int)LEN(hist));		
    		hist[nhist++] = hash_grid();
    		for (i=0; i<nhist-1; i++)
    			if (hist[i] == hist[nhist-1]) {
    				period = nhist-1 - i;
    				nleft = nleft % period;

    Full solution: https://github.com/sjmulder/aoc/blob/master/2023/c/day14.c

  • C

    Implementing part 1 with a bunch of for loops made me wonder about elegant NumPy solutions but then part 2 came along and it was a perfect fit! Just change a flag to a counter and remove the if-match-early-exit.


    int main()
    	static char g[32][32];
    	int p1=0,p2=0, w,h, x,y,i, nmis;
    	while (!feof(stdin)) {
    		for (h=0; ; h++) {
    			assert(h < (int)LEN(*g));
    			if (!fgets(g[h], LEN(*g), stdin)) break;
    			if (!g[h][0] || g[h][0]=='\n') break;
    		assert(h>0); w = strlen(g[0])-1;
    		for (x=1; x<w; x++) {
    			nmis = 0;
    			for (i=0; i<x && x+i<w; i++)
    			for (y=0; y<h; y++)
    				nmis += g[y][x-i-1] != g[y][x+i];
    			if (nmis==0) p1 += x; else
    			if (nmis==1) p2 += x;
    		for (y=1; y<h; y++) {
    			nmis = 0;
    			for (i=0; i<y && y+i<h; i++)
    			for (x=0; x<w; x++)
    				nmis += g[y-i-1][x] != g[y+i][x];
    			if (nmis==0) p1 += y*100; else
    			if (nmis==1) p2 += y*100;
    	printf("13: %d %d\n", p1, p2);
    	return 0;

  • [C]

    My first approach to part 2 was to take the list of ranges, map it to a new list of (possibly split up) ranges, etc, but I realized that would take more memory and bookkeeping than I’d like. Scrapped it and rewrote it with recursion. Much cleaner and the benchmarks are still looking good! (But for how much longer?)

    $ bmake bench
    day01  0:00.00  1380 Kb  0+78 faults
    day02  0:00.00  1660 Kb  0+82 faults
    day03  0:00.00  1540 Kb  0+107 faults
    day04  0:00.00  1536 Kb  0+80 faults
    day05  0:00.00  1668 Kb  0+83 faults


    Edit: I see some people went for looping from 0 to try possible answers. Clever and short but I wanted to go for a more efficient approach.

  • Language: C

    Another day of parsing, another day of strsep() to the rescue. Today was one of those satisfying days where the puzzle text is complicated but the solution is simple once well understood.

    GitHub link

    Code (29 lines)
    int main()
    	char line[128], *rest, *tok;
    	int nextra[200]={0}, nums[10], nnums;
    	int p1=0,p2=0, id,val,nmatch, i;
    	for (id=0; (rest = fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin)); id++) {
    		nnums = nmatch = 0;
    		while ((tok = strsep(&rest, " ")) && !strchr(tok, ':'))
    		while ((tok = strsep(&rest, " ")) && !strchr(tok, '|'))
    			if ((val = atoi(tok)))
    				nums[nnums++] = val;
    		while ((tok = strsep(&rest, " ")))
    			if ((val = atoi(tok)))
    				for (i=0; i<nnums; i++)
    					nmatch += nums[i] == val;
    		for (i=0; i<nmatch; i++)
    			nextra[id+1+i] += nextra[id]+1;
    		p1 += nmatch ? 1 << (nmatch-1) : 0;
    		p2 += nextra[id]+1;
    	printf("%d %d\n", p1, p2);
    	return 0;

  • Language: C

    Part 2 stumped me for a little bit, it wasn’t an obvious extension of part 1. Part 1 was about numbers (with one or more …) while part 2 worked from the symbols (with exactly two …). Going the other way would require more bookkeeping to avoid double counting.

    And for the implementation: if you loop over the grid and check surrounding cells for digits you’d have to account for a bunch of cases, e.g. NW/N or N/NE being part of the same number or NW and NE being part of separate numbers. And you’d have to parse the numbers again. But building a graph or reference list of some sort is both unergonomic with C and not necessarily any simpler.

    I ended up just writing out the cases, and honestly it didn’t turn out too bad.

    GitHub link

    Abridged code
    int main(int argc, char **argv)
    	static char G[GSZ][GSZ];
    	static int N[GSZ][GSZ];
    	int p1=0,p2=0, h=0, x,y, dx,dy, n=0,sym=0,r;
    	for (h=0; fgets(&G[h+1][1], GSZ-1, stdin); h++)
    		assert(h < GSZ);
    	 * Pass 1: parse numbers and solve part 1. For every digit in
    	 * G, the full number it is part of is stored in N.
    	for (y=1; y<=h; y++)
    	for (x=1; G[y][x]; x++)
    		if (isdigit(G[y][x])) {
    			n = n*10 + G[y][x]-'0';
    			for (dy=-1; dy<2; dy++)
    			for (dx=-1; dx<2; dx++)
    				sym = sym || (x && y &&
    				    G[y+dy][x+dx] != '.' &&
    		} else {
    			for (dx=-1; isdigit(G[y][x+dx]); dx--)
    				N[y][x+dx] = n;
    			if (sym)
    				p1 += n;
    			n = sym = 0;
    	 * Pass 2: solve part 2 by finding all '*', then counting and
    	 * multiplying adjecent numbers.
    	 * Horizontal adjecency is trivial but vertical/diagonal has
    	 * two situations: if there's a digit directly North of the '+',
    	 * it must be a single number: NW and NE would connect to it.
    	 * If N isn't a digit, digits in NW and NE belong to separate
    	 * numbers.
    	for (y=1; y<=h; y++)
    	for (x=1; G[y][x]; x++) {
    		if (G[y][x] != '*')
    		n = 0; r = 1;
    		if (N[y][x-1]) { n++; r *= N[y][x-1]; }
    		if (N[y][x+1]) { n++; r *= N[y][x+1]; }
    		if (N[y-1][x]) { n++; r *= N[y-1][x]; } else {
    			if (N[y-1][x-1]) { n++; r *= N[y-1][x-1]; }
    			if (N[y-1][x+1]) { n++; r *= N[y-1][x+1]; }
    		if (N[y+1][x]) { n++; r *= N[y+1][x]; } else {
    			if (N[y+1][x-1]) { n++; r *= N[y+1][x-1]; }
    			if (N[y+1][x+1]) { n++; r *= N[y+1][x+1]; }
    		if (n == 2)
    			p2 += r;
    	printf("%d %d\n", p1, p2);
    	return 0;