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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • These do help though. They’re great for student housing for example. Here in Albuquerque there is a long tradition of casitas that is thankfully being expanded through relaxed zoning. It provides a relatively quick way to increase density in areas built up with SFH without facing much nimby pushback. Housing prices are detached from supply/demand somewhat but not entirely, increase supply enough and prices drop.

  • I’m curious, what category are you hiring people in on taskrabbit? Off the top of my head can’t think of any that match warehousing.

    I was tasking for a while at 30/hr and I’d have to raise my rates to make it worth it. Every customer estimates their task at 30 minutes to an hour but it could be anywhere from 1-4 realistically making it really difficult to schedule consistent work, and that’s before you factor in all the overhead/missing benefits compensation.