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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • never take the internet as a reference, I went to Thailand last year and did not see anything weird.

    internet reality is not real life reality.

    if narrow minded people judge you for something you didn’t do just because of some generalised idea, then maybe is better not to be friends with those people. I’ve travelled alone and not alone to many places, and none of my friends ever thought ill of me.

    Whatever the internet kids think I really don’t give a shit, as you shouldn’t either.

    Man, I really hate gatekeeping.

  • I was with my family (mom, cousins, etc etc) in Thailand this summer too and we didn’t see anything weird either, and the country, food and temples were amazing, and everything was very safe. (it was very nice to see my mom and aunt/uncles, on their 60s, visit such exotic place, they had a wonderful time)

    But don’t get triggered, people that do memes like these are mostly teenagers that think that “old people” should just stay home. These people probably never went on vacation outside their country anyway, I always found out that people that have travelled abroad tend to be more open minded and do less generalisations.

    The only tragedy here is if someone is not aware of the rat kids on the internet, and memes/ideas like this prevent them to travel and see there is world out there, and is not as painted in the internet, everything is way more normal.

    So, if someone of any age reads this, I can’t talk for Philippines since I haven’t been there, but Thailand is amazing and not at all as painted here. Careful with the sun though, sunburns could be quite brutal.