Me at the therapist the other day: I need to find friends that support each other like the Citizens’ Commission to Investigate the FBI did.
The badge lets others know you’re a masochistic
This might be a good fit for a side project I’m cooking up. I am planning on using DBT but I like how this is more dynamic. How does this compare to DBT? Can it turn CTE into views?
Another feature I am hunting for is something that parses the SQL query and produces a pydantic model.
The reminds me of what Zizek said of the liberals: they are very cynical. “We need to do things we don’t believe are good, maybe even bad, but it works”
It’s in the best interest of the DNC to adopt policies and campaign approaches that have the best chance of winning.
The donors and the consultants making the bulk of the decisions disagree. The donors are motivated to shape policy, not win elections. The consultants are motivated to raise money, not win elections. They literally tell us they would rather loose than be disloyal to Biden by criticizing his legacy.
Did the Dems gain significant votes by offering Liz Cheney a seat at the table?
Having a big tent isn’t winning the election. They need to be offering seats at the table.
They just need to delay until the new administration is in place. Oracle’s CEO built the database of new staffers for said administration.
History starts when I say it does
Misses says my T-shirt tan ruins the look, not the dad bod ❤️
Which one is for bringing the genocide home?
Jared Kushner: Let’s make the west bank into a resort
Python Black for Java. Just a thought…
IDK, it could be like with priests, where the job attracts a certain type because of the perks…
Why make bugs with a better UI?
I have found that the results from Baidu do not state whether violence happened or how many were killed in regards to the massacre. The event also seems absent from the Baidu encyclopedia: https://baike.baidu.com/item/天安门/63708
This is more than a government that doesn’t want to acknowledge any violence on their part, it acts to silence discussion around the event and the .ml community’s actions replicate that effect (which damns any objectivity the mods have).
Well now that we have established that it is as censored as I believe because I have first hand experience, can we circle back to massacres and censoring said massacres are bad and not what we want in a social media service?
Dude, I literally ran a Firefox plugin at one time that gave me the “Great Firewall of China” experience. But just in case, I went over to Baidu and did a search and here’s the official story you speak of (and the only one told in the search results): https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/opinion/2011-07/14/content_12898720.htm
The article does not address how many people were killed or even whether violence occurred.
I would call those results to be censorship.
Edit: I don’t like the South Korean state either, but not more or less, just different. I’m not here to say which state is more morally justified than another, even when they’re at end stage capitalism.
If the discussion is about how a government that massacres its own people and censors even searches of it is bad, then no, rectifying that difference in number doesn’t make the objection go away.