• not_that_guy05@lemmy.world
    25 days ago

    The problem is that unlike Europe we don’t have a walkable country. You guys have cities that are less spread apart. I wish our cities were more community friendly infrastructure. My city is starting to put bike trails that are desperately needed since we are being run over while biking. There’s always a story with someone being hit.

    • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
      25 days ago

      I really wish I could get this across to the FuckCars people in countries other than the U.S.

      I just moved from Terre Haute, Indiana in the U.S. to Blackburn in England. The fact that virtually everything you need is within a half-hour walk, most of it much less, cannot be overstated. It’s just not like that in the U.S. Terre Haute has something like 40% the population of Blackburn and driving from one end of town to another, and the shops are spread out all over town, takes 45 minutes.