• Croquette@sh.itjust.works
    9 days ago

    I know that, otherwise we wouldn’t be here today. But at the very fucking least, Americans could have refrained from giving the full reign to a fascist party.

    The voters are as much responsible as the Democrats, but for people like you, that’s fucking hard to grasp that it can be both.

    Keep doing mental gymnastics so that you can sleep at night because the US, and by proxy, the rest of the world, just got a lot worst a lot faster.

    It is a weird moment to take a stance against when an openly fascist candidate is the front runner for the US presidency. Riddle me this.

    • CmdrShepard42@lemm.ee
      9 days ago

      You sound like the type of guy who gets bad review after bad review at their job and when they get passed up for a promotion, blames it on something like DEI.

      Absolutely nothing forced the DNC to take such a hard right stance this election after having previously lost using the same terrible strategy. They were more concerned with courting Republican voters and protecting Israel than preserving our democracy and now we’re paying the price for it.

      It is a weird moment to take a stance against

      I’ve held this stance since 2016, so keep reaching. It’s the DNC who’s continually pushed away their base election after election to the point that they’ve handed over control of the entire government to Republicans. If you want to talk about mental gymnastics, maybe you should start there. They’re supposed to be the opposition not controlled opposition.

      • Croquette@sh.itjust.works
        9 days ago

        What are you babling on about? I get bad review at work because I am mad that the American populace put a fascist party in power?

        Go get bent.

        There is no mental gymnastics here. The DNC is dog shit, the RNC should be dismantled and tried for actively hurting the population as the fascist party they are.

        There wasn’t even a universe where voting Republican was sane, yet here we are with people like you not taking the responsibility of their actions.

        • exploitedamerican@lemm.ee
          8 days ago

          “Get bent” typical neo liberal response. Instead of realizing leftists are right and have been right since the DNC subverted democracy the first time in 2016 you just point the finger at people who wont get in line and support decrepit status quo centrism. At a time when its not even worth having a job anymore and rent prices for a 1 bedroom apartment take up 60-75% of the wages that 2/3 of millennials and gen z earn thinking that voting for a party that ignores these issues is what america needs is just ignorant. The system has made it obviously clear it will not allow remedy through its own mechanisms so we are at an impasse and the only way to fix things is now obviously mass organized political 🎻 🎻 / revolution. Those whoare too comfortable or too brainwashed to stop participating in a society that have failed them need to wake up and pull their head out of the sand. Doing what you and or your parents have done since this started with reagan (it started during nixon but there was far more resistance in the late 60’s/early 70’s than there is now) is not going to get any different results and believing it will is just peak neo liberal delusion. So you all need to swallow your pride and come to the conclusion that we are right. The dnc is funded and controlled by the same corporate wall street military and prison industry profiteering billionaires that fund and control the right wing MAGA politicians. They refuse to move left and instead lick the boot of blatantly fascist campaigns since fascism doesnt threaten capital and that is preferential to them.

          Do some reading and figure it out. Neo liberal Western democracy is inherently opposed to economic democracy and this means that it is not democratic in any way and is in fact a class dictatorship.

          • Croquette@sh.itjust.works
            8 days ago

            How is “get bent” a typical neo liberal response you dunce? Why was every shithead like you pull stupid shit out of their ass like that and feel smug about it?

            Yeah I fucking point my finger at people that didn’t want status quo because the other fucking option was literal fascism.

            You get that? Is it hard to grasp? Why was it a month away from elections that every fucking protest voter came out of the woodwork to be dipshits? Where are you now except on Lemmy being a fucking prick?

            Instead of realizing leftists are right and have been right since the DNC subverted democracy the first time in 2016

            Is the DNC a fucking shit stain? Absolutely. Was it worth it to elect a fascism governement instead? Absolutely not. It seems thst for people like you it’s really fucking hard to grasp.

            Nobody’s saying that people are wrong about the DNC, what people are saying is that the choice was clear : status quo or full on fascism, and the American people chose fascism, and third voters and protest voters helped bring the Republicans in power.

            • exploitedamerican@lemm.ee
              8 days ago

              What we need is a revolution.

              Can you even define fascism? Because i can and it exists within the democratic party as well.

              Get bent is the typical neo liberal response because the typical neo liberal response is to blame the working class and people advocating for real change By challenging the tired class dictatorship they want to enforce regardless of the consequences.

              So ill ask you again, who is to blame?

              Those in positions of power who waste countless resources on political advertisement campaigms smearing and sabotaging candidates that are popular and did offer a real solution to fight fascism

              Or the people who participate in a flawed democracy that has made it clear countless times it does jot respect the opinions or the ideologies of the working class and poor.

              There are 14 main traits that define fascism. It can be simplified as the amalgamation of corporate and political power. But of the 14 traits the only one that those in power can claim plausible deniability of its existence are fraudulent elections. But its obvious that money controls our entire socio political system and those with capital will can and do whatever they can to maintain control so it is naive to believe that our votes do anything to affect the outcome of our presidential elections. In Germany they have deemed electronic voting to be unconstitutional because it is impossible yo differentiate fraudulent results from legitimate ones for people who are not cyber security / IT experts.

              So its obvious our government was corrupted by money ling before trump. But neo libs keep preaching ballot box revolution/ reform is possible(this is delusional) when both parties exhibit 13 of 14 traits of fascism blatantly (93%) it isnt just naive to think out elections are sacred and still have integrity because of Hurrr Durrr Democracy! And ‘Murican Eyedeeuhlisumm! Its fucking stupidity and ridiculousness manifest.

              You need to realize the time has come for you to put your big boy pants on and accept the reality. That our democracy isnt just broken, it doesn’t function and is a complete farcical fraud. The system is broken and will not allow self remediation through the processes of a broken system. We have come to the point in time where the only way to fix things is revolution. Ignoring this is stupidity manifest. Naive ballot box reform is not just impossible it is antithetical to the nature of the system that has evolved over time through the corruption of the ultra wealthy whom have been waging an obvious class war against us for the last 5-6 decades at least.