Once upon a time, because I thought I was hard to gross-out, and because I thought it might pay enough, I did consider a career in crime scene clean-up. I didn’t delve too deep into it though/never seriously considered it; more of like… if ever my current-job carpet ever got pulled out from under me and I had no skills elsewhere.
I once thought of that, too! It’s apparently almost more about personality traits than past experience. The same goes for 911 dispatcher jobs, it seems.
Once upon a time, because I thought I was hard to gross-out, and because I thought it might pay enough, I did consider a career in crime scene clean-up. I didn’t delve too deep into it though/never seriously considered it; more of like… if ever my current-job carpet ever got pulled out from under me and I had no skills elsewhere.
I once thought of that, too! It’s apparently almost more about personality traits than past experience. The same goes for 911 dispatcher jobs, it seems.