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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • His foreign relations record includes a hell of a lot of ratfucking the third world, including being so paranoid about communism he ended up pushing quite a few nations into the Soviet sphere when the coups didn’t work (Cuba, cough cough cough) and directly enabling some of history’s greatest monsters when they did, but he is an American president so grade that on a curve I guess

  • Sure bro. I’ll stop thinking “Russia having a seat at Versailles would have changed history” because it would somehow not change history, and that’s something you can objectively prove, lol.

    I’ll tell you what definitely wouldn’t have happened though.

    The repeated Bolshevik genocides of Jewish people.

    I’ll not comment on your apparent belief that Nazism was some fated historical inevitability, which sure seems like something a Nazi would believe and not a Marxist.