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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Lol, you literally quoted me, didn’t actually read what you quotes, and then did something completely different.

    Do you know that battery life ≠ battery capacity? That is not the same measurement as I have already tried to teach you 3 times.

    Please state the calculation that you would use to “determine how often you have to recharge” that is valid for Wh and not for Ah.

    What is its idle power draw? What is its power draw under load? Playing video? Sleep mode? That source gives nothing which determines battery life. All it gives is a nearly useless capacity number, just like all other manufacturers. So not valid at all. You still have exactly 0 more information about battery life.

    If I am wrong, please state your calculations of what the battery life is with that 54Wh battery.

    Your entire argument was “Ah is useless and Wh gives consumers the information to determine battery life” So go ahead, determine the battery life.

    How is this any different at all if they said that it is a 5.8Ah battery? They don’t give any current or power draw.

    As an exercise:

    can you tell me the battery life difference between an arbitrary Laptop A with a 54Wh battery and Laptop B with a 27Wh battery?

  • Please explain to me what the difference is between battery life if you have a 5000mAh battery and an 18Wh battery.

    Please state the calculation that you would use to “determine how often you have to recharge” that is valid for Wh and not for Ah. I am all for it. If you can cite a single source where the manufacturer gives a specification that would give battery life in Wh, and not in Ah, I will concede the entire argument and say that you were right the whole time in every comment make a note that you were right. Please show your calculation work.

    The thing is, it does not matter how much charge the battery holds, it does matter how much energy it holds. Without knowing the Voltage the Ah is useless.

    This is patently, objectively misinformation and completely false. That is a direct quote of your words, today. That was your last comment. I have already laid out multiple examples of how Ah is a useful measurement and what you can do with it. Therefore, it is misinformation. It is not disinformation, but stating untrue things as fact is misinformation, even if you have no idea you are wrong.

  • Sorry, but you are simply wrong. Simple math says that you are wrong.

    You can buck or boost convert nearly any voltage to any other voltage.

    Then measure the current output of the battery, boom you have battery life.

    Also electrical charge can be used in many, many very valuable calculations without involving voltage at all.

    Let’s take an arbitrary example with an arbitrary battery powered device. Let’s say the battery is somewhere between 1V and 10000000V. You can’t measure it because you might blow up your multimeter.

    You know that the battery is 5000mAh. You can safely measure that all of the circuitry is draining 1000mA because sense resistors or contactless magnetic current measurements don’t have anywhere near dangerous voltages. You know that the battery will last about 5 hours. What is the voltage? Doesn’t matter.

    Yes, charge and the flow of charge is not the entire story, but to say it is useless or does not matter is just a straight lie. It is fine if you don’t understand electronics, but then don’t spit out misinformation.

    Yes Watt-hours would give a more complete picture to slightly tech-inclined consumers (makes 0 difference for 99% of consumers), but then it returns to not mattering because you can do the 5s calculation yourself because single cell lithium batteries are overwhelmingly 1 nominal voltage.

    Literally 90% of calculations related to efficiency are JUST as valid using mA as W.

    Your device uses 12mA at idle with a 5000mAh battery has the same relevance as your 18.5Wh battery using 45mW at idle.

  • I believe it actually has to do more with historical conventions in electronics or math. (This is just what I remember from heresay when I was in university as an electronics engineer), but there is also a mathematical reason.

    history hearsay theory

    The easiest way to measure power draw is by measuring current draw (voltage across a sense resistor) way back before there were affordable, quality ICs to measure voltage and current and pretty much joule count.

    To add to this, current sensors are much easier and cheaper than test machines that do the calculations for you.

    When lithium batteries and NiCAD batteries became standard compared to the earlier lead-acid (which are measured in Wh), they had an extremely flat voltage curve compared to lead acid. They could be considered to be at a constant voltage.

    Now cheaper electronics were being made and if a designer wanted to know how long a battery would last, they could take the nominal battery voltage that the battery would be at a vast majority of the time, and they could just measure the current draw over a short time of the circuit, 10s of calculations, and you have your approximate battery life. There is a joke that engineers approximate π to 3.

    Even designing electronics today, everything is specced to current draw, not power draw. ICs take X current in mA during Y operations. Your DCDC converters have Z quiescent currents and from there you can calculate efficiency. It is much easier to work in current for energy running through the circuit.

    Math units

    Ah is a measure of electrical charge.

    Wh is a measure of energy

    Batteries and capacitors hold charge so are measured in Ah, generators that power the grid generate energy and use of that energy is measured in Wh (it also isn’t a “constant” voltage source like batteries as it is AC)

  • You definitely don’t use CUDA then. That is hardware accelerated machine learning basically.

    For you usecase then it doesn’t make much of a difference. DLSS 3.0 is indeed better than FSR, but there are few games that use it i guess. DLSS 2.x and FSR are about on par with each other and FSR is enabled in all games. . Many/most of people don’t even realize that DLSS/FSR is disabled when gaming as the vast vast majority of games don’t even have it and and most don’t think about it, I have no idea if you are in the same boat, but then it makes no sense to base a decision based off of features you don’t use, in my opinion.

  • Games simply don’t benefit enough for the cost of a new processor, let alone new motherboard and ram.

    A new GPU will almost always the best bang for your buck improvement in games.

    Then you should definitely go AMD. There is literally no reason not to unless you are already using cuda or ray tracing a ton. AMD is the best value for the money by far, has a MUCH better software interface (never thought I would say that), comparable or less driver issues than nvidia now, and it also works flawlessly on Linux, including full undervolting support (important on any GPU, but on AMD it is much easier).

    That being said, if comparable performance GPUs are the same price in your region and you use windows, nvidia is also fine to grab.

    Always undervolt your GPU. My 5700XT that ran on 200W before now maxes out at 150W and usually is at 140W with a 1% performance difference. That is like a 9C temp difference.

  • Though pumped hydro is sometimes opposed by environmental groups because it does absolutely decimate local environments.

    I have high hopes for sodium batteries. The ones that have been released on the market are simply perfect (if scaled up) for local grid storage in countries with a lot of space and will hopefully get better energy density in line with Lithium Iron Phosphate with time.

    Salt batteries have been the cold fusion of battery tech for like 10 years, but now it is finally coming to fruition. I hope to install a solar installation with salt batteries in 5 years or so, myself.

  • I love the absurdity of game reviewers 😂

    • “This game is the pinnicle of its genre”

    • “This is the 1 game I would bring to a desert island”

    • “one of the most captivating puzzle games ever”

    85%, 88%, 70%, a C to a B. That is just above average.

    Meanwhile you get an absolute broken AAA piece of crap that barely functions, incoherant story, generic and boring and those same reviewers say “70-80%”. So there is a <10% difference between absolutely mastering a genre and releasing straight garbage?

  • Use antennapod. They literally highly discourage donations now because they have enough donations to cover their operating coats and then like 50% extra on top.

    Because updating a podcast app is literally not a full time job if it is so stable as these two apps. They both release small feature updates and bug fixes for a while. Antennapod even did a full UI update to the new material standard.

    Pocketcasts devs seem to want maximum profit from it. They probably have an order of magnitude more income already than antennapod due to how many more people use it and how they push subscriptions. I just don’t understand why they need that much money.

  • I have not seen anyone mention these, which is surprising. They are the definition of relaxing lol

    • Dorf Romantik
    • Islanders

    Relaxing base builders with a nice soundtrack and a “get as many points as you can. Failed? No problem, just start over and relax again” kind of vibe.

    Then there is duck game if you have some friends to relax with. It is hilarious.

  • No recorded direct link of communication. The CEOs and half the board will individually go to company paid lunches with competition, members of the board are straight up members of a competing board. Or even lobbyists and lawyers of competing companies going to events together that happens daily.

    “But I pinky promise we don’t talk about our competing business plans while we eat lunch and golf together”

    I think most conspiracy theories are bullshit. Especially things that require mass government, academic, and/or inter-industry coordination just cannot happen easily due to the fact that large scale coordination of people is very very difficult.

    But in a market with 2-4 long-standing players in an oligopoly with offices right by each other, you bet your ass there is in-person collusion… it has been caught many times and likely the extreme vast majority of cases are not caught. Price adjustment is extremely easy to collude on and has mountains of excuses of plausible deniability and “just following the market” bs. So far, there has yet to be a market that has remained competitive and hasn’t turned into an oligopoly. Monopoly is the steady state of a capitalist system without strict anti-competitive regulations.

  • Lego racers was my first PC video game on windows 98. Holy fuck was it fun and rocket racer was just a cheating portal fuck, but I still beat him a couple times 😂

    By god getting a portal was satisfying though.

    Never got the hang of rock raiders, maybe because I was too young and I had my friends to tech me StarCraft.

    I loved the Lego star wars games, but when the LOTR and marvel games came out I just couldn’t get into them as much. I kept getting stuck in Marvel. Maybe I should go back and play lego LOTR