Being ill is cheating in this context :)
Being ill is cheating in this context :)
Well, new IDE. Of course it won’t work exactly as you wish right from the start. But it is an IDE and can do anything IDE should.
I don’t understand your problem. You have qtcreator. It is a nice IDE that can do anything C++ related. Why don’t you use it?
Are kids who dislike bananas exist?
90% of those "neoliberals charged with… " are fascists too(of different ideology). And the rest 10% are just lazy useless idiots.
UI. UI is built-in.
Zeus: Ok, I’ll fix it. Be ready for the correct lightning!!!
Any modern IDE for any language has a built-in debugger UI. Mostly good one.
That’s the first step though.
The second would be adding a captcha.
Preorders are bad, mkay?
I understood nothing. The text sounds like total gibberish to me.
Lies are never acceptable choices.
That’s good: it keeps them busy. You know, like Fortnight keeps crazy kids from other games.
Still better than those “I’m out of ideas, so here is the empty picture”
Well, if Romans will perchance feed you to the lions… we won’t be sad.
Trust a bone to a human? Why? That doesn’t make any sense. Stupidest thing ever. No dog would make anything so stupid. Totally unrealistic comic. Boo.
Because you’re poor and the bed might still have some bread crumbles.