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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • There will always be homeless people, the ones we have are either crashing or simply do not want to live inside (due to a multitude of reasons involving decades of living in the streets with substance abuse and mental issues). The only folk you’ll find here sleeping on benches are aforementioned and students who have had one too many. Plenty of benches for both and even if all benches are turned into chairs we’ve got intoxication centres and housing available for those who prefer it.

  • Please read upon actual history before pretending to know any of it. Every nation you mentioned slaughtered their minorities, it is intrinsic to the ideology, a core foundation. Communism without unchecked violence, aggression and ethnic cleansing isn’t communism.

    Also loving the token Whataboutism™ at the end, sign of a true tankie lmao, y-y-yes all communist nations have cleaned off their trans folk b-b-but there are some liberal nations too that did it, even though liberalism is the only ideology that has the capability to support a non-violent society lmao get fucked transphobe.

  • Wow the lengths commies go to deny actual genocide.

    We all know communism is an ideology strictly for the uneducated and violent, why try so hard to make it seem like something else? The countless sexual and ethnic minorities murdered by communism due to its inherent hateful nature is something only the nazis on the other end of the fascism-spectrum rivaled.

  • Lol I very much believe you think you’re right.

    One day you will too

    Can’t tell if you’re being over pedantic or trolling.

    Realistic of the things we’re discussing here. Someone has to be.

    And yet you still can’t seem to grasp a, what, lower than 3rd grade writing level.

    Yeah I’m really not used to material like that, you’ll have to step it up

    Words have different meanings in different context you absolute idiot lol

    And we already have our context. Don’t go changing it by yourself young lad

    You’ve had to have me repeat things you’ve missed.

    You have repeated things that I have time and time again shot down. Not my fault you are unable to know the difference between less- and unaffordable lmao

    Ah yes, the link to the comment where I didn’t say that.

    You were supposed to click it and read it. Also, like, you’ve been on the defense on it for like 2 weeks now, I mean high time for you to start backing off, but again, I’d like to have an apology from you for being such a dum-dum.

    “Plenty.” Lol, gotta pump up that ego.

    I mean again, if reality reflects my ego, is it really ego?

    What they don’t like is someone who doesn’t live in their country, understand their housing laws or market, didn’t even know what a credit score is, and makes up some lie about owning a home trying to tell them they can afford a home when they very clearly cannot.

    Kid I’ve already went through these with you like 10 times. I understand it better than you do, and probably ever will since you are unable to educate yourself.

    it’s so full of hate, attacks, and “I’m better than you” vibes.

    I literally am better than you in every way.

  • You’re right. Something is right or it’s not.

    Yep. And like I said, like reality has shown, and as the undeniable sources I’ve got have pointed out, I am right.

    If something is less affordable, that is how it becomes unaffordable.

    Not quite. Less affordable = less affordable, unaffordable = unaffordable. I understand these are extremely complex issues for you to handle but seriously, try.

    Yep, and you and your buddies can work on it.

    Still haven’t figured out what it meant. 3rd grade writing is honestly a tad bit too generous.

    Jesus, we started this off by talking about homes and not renting, that was the context.

    Uhh, we can’t redefine words by context. Use the word like it’s meant.

    I’ve provided much more proof than you have lol.

    You can keep lying to me but not yourself. We both have read the thread.

    Well looking through our chat history you’ve said that a bunch and I haven’t said it once.

    I literally linked it to you the other reply. Not surprising at all that you don’t read my replies, otherwise you would have apologized already.

    overwhelming number of people disagree with you

    Downvotes just mean people don’t want to face reality. Plenty of folk I talked to in this thread later turned out to agree with me.

    People hate to be told they have responsibility.

  • It is well known the chinese took ME oilfields as a part of their imperialistic tendencies.

    US military ensures the flow and protection of global trade which facilitates everything you take for granted. Saying US armed forces protect only big oil interests and are a burden on the world is quite literally a lie and honestly reminds me of elementary school bros who unironically believe so.

    US army is a net benefit for the world