Actually this is how occupy was undone. They couldn’t agree on demands and in the end everyone just got frustrated with each other and the whole thing fizzled out. There was conjecture at the time that CIA plants frustrated this process.
Actually this is how occupy was undone. They couldn’t agree on demands and in the end everyone just got frustrated with each other and the whole thing fizzled out. There was conjecture at the time that CIA plants frustrated this process.
Sorry, what I’m trying to explain is that protests require specific demands.
If a protest like this got any traction, companies could just say “ok we’re listening, we will think about reinstating some DEI things”.
Sorry, the article you linked doesn’t list any demands.
The closest it comes is this:
an act of “economic resistance” to protest what the group’s founder sees as the malign influence of billionaires, big corporations and both major political parties on the lives of working Americans.
This demonstrates my point really. There’s a general sense of dissatisfaction with billionaires and with capitalism, but there are no demands. If you’re not demanding anything, how will you know when you have achieved your goal?
What is the protest though? What are the demands and how will we know when they are achieved?
The best answer I can get in these threads is to “send a message” of “general discontent”, but protests just don’t really work that way.
Decide what you want and figure out what to boycott in order to harm the people that are able to grant it.
My main complaint is that anything not bought on the day of the blackout will just be bought the following day.
I think that most people with stressful frustrating and difficult jobs could make a good argument that they indirectly improve the material conditions of humanity.
I think most jobs are like this.
The entry level stuff is pleasant and manageable and easy, but if you progress far enough to make money you produce value by managing unsolvable problems which is stressful, frustrating, and difficult.
For sure there are plenty of people that don’t produce any real value in their work, but that’s been the case since forever and they’re hard to weed out because in some ways their full time job is to ensure their ongoing employment.
As in most things, it’s a question of extent.
The most accurate statement you can make is that AI will make “most” office employees “more” efficient.
The thing is, this has been happening with every technological advance for hundreds of years.
There’s no evidence that “more advanced AI” is going to emerge in the next few years.
Sorry this is just plain wrong and there’s no evidence of this at all.
People have been saying this since the invention of the comptometer.
Anyone who’s job can be replaced by an LLM isnt producing any value.
For the rest of us it’s an incremental improvement at best.
I don’t think it’s surprising at all that you’ve never heard of a Dyson sphere. It’s not a very popular idea even in science fiction.
Yeah, just like during the campaign the left can’t even agree on what we’re supposed to be doing.
I’m not sure about your math really.
My point though, is that weekly sales won’t dip at all, you’ll just buy things before or after.
No it’s not. A general rabble isn’t going to achieve anything because they’re not asking for anything. Morale is low and participants are easily disuaded because they can see they’re not achieving anything. No one wants to risk physical harm or incarceration for a cause that just doesn’t really exist.
Yeah that’s a really good point.
The general consensus seems to be that doing something is better than doing nothing.
I really disagree though. After a few failed attempts people will lose heart and get in line.
There seems to be half a dozen different protests now too, all on different days with no cohesive objectives
I dint think these general “buy nothing” days are the right way to go. Whatever people don’t buy on the day will just be bought the next day.
I think it would be difficult to achieve anything more than a standard deviation in daily sales, as in its not really noticeable.
If this thread is like the others, there are no demands but a strong intention to express general discontent.
It would be better to subsidise owners rather than manufacturers.
Well without Pluto it would be planet 9 not 10